Bad Guys

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Requested Pastel-Cloudz! I hope you enjoy all outcomes!

Food. The one thing that all the skeletons needed, was food and it didn't help the fact that they were taking care of a small human child.

" How are we going to feed ourselves and Y/n?"

" I'm... not sure. Maybe boss has an idea?"

" Really? The aus are out of stock for two months, we have to feed Y/n in an hour, our crops are taking too long to grow in our garden and the nightmare creatures keep on eating them!"

Dust, Killer and Horror argued for the tenth time this week!

" Why is uncle Dust, uncle Killer and uncle Horror arguing?"

All sockets were drawn to the voice, being locked onto a small human child.

" Don't worry about them, Y/n. They are being buttheads."

" Oh... Ok Mama Nootmare!"

Everyone froze while Nightmare's expression darkened.

" Where did you hear that nickname?"

" From uncle Cross! Why?"

Curse the child's pure heart! They were too precious for this multiple.

" Oh, no reason at all~"

" ?"

" Don't worry, Kiddo. Nightmare is just going to talk to Cross."

Cross held a ' Help me' expression to which Y/n didn't see, heading back to Nightmare's room to probably sleep.

Dust ending:

Dust came to Nightmare's room, not really into the idea of consuming Y/n. It would both feed him and Y/n but also scare them-

" Uncle Dust? What are you you doing in Mom's room?"

" Well... we don't really have food and-"

" You have to eat me? I know... I kinda eavesdropped..."

" Wait- so, you're not scared?"

Y/n shook their head 'no', knowing how skeleton magic works from a book in Nightmare's library.

" A-alright.... Hope you know what you're doing..."

Y/n was surrounded by a purple aura, shrinking them to the point that they were 10cm tall. Dust picked them up and parted his teeth, carefully guiding the fragile child into his maw and onto his soft and strong ecto-tongue. The maw got darker as the muscle gave a soft glow before said muscle pinned them to the roof, magic saliva soaking them to the bone.


Their torso was brought into his throat. The ecto-flesh being strong but gentle, seeing as the were fragile like glass.


Their whole body was in the tube of muscles that dragged them down. The slippery fake flesh making their journey short as they were deposited into a more cavernous area, knowing that they were in his ecto-stomach.

" Goodnight, kiddo..."

Horror ending:

Horror went to Nightmare's room, too scared to ask Y/n if he could consume them. He opened his door and, to his surprise, they were fast asleep. Slowly, he got closer and shrunk them. His shaky skeletal hands picked the small human up before quickly shoving them in his jaws and swallowed. Good thing was, they were a heavy sleeper. He traced the quickly traveling buldge down to his middle before teleporting to his au.

Killer ending

Killer explained the situation to them, Y/n listening carefully to each word. After the explanation, Killer shrunk them

" So, yeah."

" If it's to keep me healthy and you fed, then I'll do it."

"Alright, come here."

Killer gently picked Y/n up and parted his teeth, allowing them to see his razor sharp teeth. His maw was a dark red, glowing dimly were the wet walls that would soon trap them. The small human  stepped into the wet cavern, saliva coating them as the maw closed, preventing them from escaping. He pinned them to the roof of his mouth with his ecto-tongue before gulping them down.


Y/n landed in the destination they were supposed to go: Killer's stomach. They didn't scream or yell bit just went to sleep.

Cross ending

" You need to eat me?"

" Yes."

" To feed the both of us?"

" Yes."

" You won't hurt me, right?"

" I could never hurt you. Besides, Chara and I see you as a younger sibling."

Without hesitation, Y/n gave Cross permission. Cross decided to do it in a more... peculiar way. He let them climb in his ribcage before summoning his ecto body. To be honest, Y/n was glad to not go down his throat. They didn't want their phobia kick in, not again. They cuddled one of the fleshy walls before falling asleep.

Error ending

To be completely honest, he has a massive chocolate stash and doesn't really need to eat but, if the gang went somewhere, he would consume Y/n.

Nightmare ending

Same reaction as Dust and Error. He will only consume Y/n if it's necessary.

The End

Sorry this took so long! I was really busy and it didn't help with my stress! I started to run out of ideas for the last two. Hope you enjoyed tho, bye~

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