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This was requested by rasrieldreamer. Sorry about not doing your request. I was on a break and trying to get an idea 'til now. Hope you can forgive me. Anyways, enjoy

You were walking in what seemed to be snow but it was actually icecream. You didn't know that monsters loved candy. You met Toriel and tested her candy pie which was too sweet for your liking. You were now shivering. It was so cold." Why did I leave the ruins?" You asked yourself, not expecting someone to hear it from the trees. You came across a bridge between you and a town. The bridge was made out of pocky. You heard something snap and went on a full on sprint as to get away from the thing that made a twig or stick snap in half. You didn't notice that a tall skeleton screamed," A human!" You were terrified. You were so scared that you didn't notice that you were in waterfall. You kept on running with the tall skeleton after you. You saw some weed and ran inside it, taking cover with your camouflaging clothes." Human? Come out so that you can do my famous puzzles!" the skeleton from before said- well yelled. It seems that he walked away from your hiding place but you stayed there, not moving your limbs but blinking your eyes to keep them moist. It was slowly getting dark and you still didn't move. You didn't even know that a skeleton, a bit taller than you, stood right behind you. It was too late, you were in his mouth. Everything happened so fast that you were in his stomach, frozen in fear. You didn't want to make him angry so you sat helplessly in his gut.


You got to know each other. You now knew him as Candy/Sugar and about the other AUS.

The End

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