Mythiverse! Nightmare

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Requested by ultimastarwolfie1264. Hope you enjoy!

After the apple incident, Nightmare.... he- he wasn't himself. The once sweet, scared and abused angel turned into a sea dragon. The corruption was so bad that he turned Dream into stone and harmed Harmony so badly that anyone would think that she wouldn't make it. Though, he hesitated to kill the sweet and scared child. It was enough time for her to escape, barely alive from bloodloss.


Harmony started getting ill, she knew that by the symptoms: hair falling out, wings losing feathers, tail getting smaller and the constant feeling of wanting to go to sleep after just a small walk. She got weaker and weaker, each day was like waking up in a coffin as her illness spread.

-2 Weeks later-

Harmony was just walking around when she heard an all-too-familiar-voice." Harmony?" She whimpered, flashbacks of what happened last time shot into her head." Harmony! I'm so sorry!" Arms pulled her close to a ribcage, one she recognized." Please, forgive me for what I've done! I didn't mean to!" Harmony didn't want to speak." Harmony?" Nightmare looked at the smaller, sockets growing wide when she was gone." Harmony?!" He panicked. He couldn't loose her, not again.

He traveled through every au, finding her in his au near a waterfall." Harmony?" She shot up." N...Nighty, I'd that really you?" She asked, tears welling up." Yes, it's me." She ran into his open arms and began to sob uncontrollably from pure happiness." Ngh- too much positivity!" He said, causing Harmony to look up at him." S-sorry..."" It's fine, was just surprised... now, let's go." Harmony and Nightmare teleported infront of an underwater base, an air bubble around her." I'll be there when you need me the most, I promise."" I will make sure to cause you trouble!" She exclaimed in a teasing way." I'm sure you will..."


He failed to to be there. Word had spread about Harmony's death. It effected everyone, though, it effected Nightmare the most. He was devastated and blamed himself. He had enough and recruited other outcasts, those who were left for dead or even those who were turned on when they needed help." I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there... I'll try my best to stay sane." Nightmare said that everyday until he snapped, causing chaos around the whole multiverse. Though, it would all change when he meets Harmony in her reincarnated body.


It was a normal day for Nightmare- well, not until he stumbled upon a small child that had the same aura and familiarity. He knew that it HAD to be Harmony." I promised that I'd be there and failed but," He picked her up as she looked at him with some confusion." I'll protect you now, Harmony." He opened his maw and engulfed the small child in one swift move, her entire being inside his maw. She struggled until: he swallowed, sending her down and into his stomach." P-pls, I-I d-don't w-want t-to d-die!" She begged, not knowing that she would be safe." I could never harm you, Harmony. I'm just protecting you..." Harmony relaxed, curling into a ball and closed her eyes as Nightmare swam to his base, the place he promised to be there for her.

The End

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