Blueberry! Dream

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Has an oc from Idkamhelp! All credit to their oc! Not a request but I felt like making this chapter for them. Go check them out! They write amazing stories! Enjoy~

" Glitchyara? Do you know where my salad is?" Dream asked, looking everywhere in the fridge." I don't know, I'll go grab some ingredients for you." Glitchyara said in her deep voice." You don't have to! I found it, you can go get the ingredients if you want to make your own salad." He really cared for her, even if she randomly turns back to her past self." I will, if I'm in my past form then I'll be sure to teleport to you. Hopefully I won't do something stupid when I'm in my past form..." and she changed her voice, great." Alright, I'll be sure to consume you physically once you turn passive. You told me before that your past self was eaten multiple times by Miss Octo. Still don't know who that is but I won't push that topic." Dream began to eat his salad." Alright! Bye, I'll see ya soon!" There goes her voice again. Why does she change it in the first place? Meh, he doesn't know since he'll find out eventually.

Where was she? It's been 2 hou-" Hello?" Oh no, she changed back to her past self... that wasn't good. Time to prepare." Oh my- are you alright?! Do you need help?!" His acting came in handy." N-no? Who are you?" Great, she doesn't remember the last time they met." I'm Dream but others call me Bluey. You must be Slash since Miss Octo told me so much about you!" Slash looked at him with a skeptical look, obviously not used to other people. " I-I don't trust you." Great... just great, she doesn't reme-" Ugh! Dream, what happened?" Oh! She just remembered who he was!" Nothing serious. Just you didn't remember who I was for a few minutes." She looked ashamed, embarrassed even." Sorry..." Oh my goodness, she was too kind for her own good." Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong. Now, let's get you tucked in for the night." Slash looked up at him before sprinting, taking him by surprise." You have to catch me first!" Not again." Come back here! I'm gonna get you!" He ran after her, laughing filled the hallways.

" You cheated!" Slash puffed her cheeks, being caught by Dream." Let's just tuck you in before you get hyper." Dream brought her close to his mouth,  using his magic to shrink her."... Fine!" She knew that too, her case of being a super psycho was different. Instead of losing fyll control, she had half control since she is half dead and half alive. If she ever did lose control, she would go into a state where she is hyper and a psycho. Kinda weird but not as weird as when Strawberry! Nightmare wore an Elsa dress for 24 hours, super childish of him." Ready?" He asked her." I guess..." He opened his maw and she crawled inside, the outside world blocked by his closed jaws. The soft blue insides of his maw could hypnotize you, if you didn't get swallowed. Dream tilted his head back before swallowing, her upper body in his throat. He swallowed again and her whole body was in his throat, swallowing for the last time before she was traced by his finger to his stomach where she started to get comfortable in." Goodnight, Slash." He walked off to go feed his pets, yes he has pets and you'll have to deal with it." Goodnight, Dream." After that, she fell asleep.

The End

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