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"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" Was all you could hear in a white, endless void. You were stuck in this void and you were the one who cussed. Your name is Y/n L/n and you were here in the void for 3 years. How do I know how long you were in the void? You had a friend named Template who always tried to make you an au but something or someone always destroyed it and you were always spared. Both you and Template were confused about this. You stood up and stretched, hearing a satisfying pop from your bones, you did some warm ups and went back to doing nothing. You then heard the weirdest sound ever. You turned around and saw another skeleton but he had white bones.

 You turned around and saw another skeleton but he had white bones

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He was creepy and looked like he lacked any emotion. All of a sudden, you started melting into paint. You were scared until you heard the skeleton say," This won't hurt nor kill you." You didn't see that you were floating in his hands, your colours just black and unrecognisable by anyone. You then felt warmth and wetness. You realised that you were either in his mouth or stomach. Pale swallowed you and you went down, straight to his stomach. Once you were there, you turned back to normal but smaller. You wanted to yell, scream but your fear paralyzed you, your mind frozen while trying to process what just happened. Pale  didn't feel you move and assumed that you were either passed out or frozen in fear, trying to process what just happened. Either way, he will keep you with him no matter what.

The End

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