Lamia! Nightmare (Passive)

891 17 6

Warning: mentions of nearly being raped! Btw, you are 25 years old.


It was a beautiful night outside.
Crickets were chirping,
Owls were howling.
On nights like these, naga's like him...

Should really be more careful while robbing a bank. Seriously, there were fifteen cops after him. Now, Dream and Nightmare need to steal because they don't have enough food in their territory. The humans in the village started to build more houses near THEIR forest. He went into an alleyway and the cops went past him, thinking that he was going straight to the forest. He slithered out of said alleyway before going near another home, doing it sneakily and stole some food and gold. After all the robbing was done, he was about to leave when he heard a high-pitched scream." Help!" It sounded feminine, definitely female.

With you

" Help" you yelled. You were surrounded by drunk man." Hello *hic* cutie~ Wanna *hic* have s*hic* ome fun?~" he asked. You pushed him away from you, bad move!

Warning: near rape incoming!

The guy literally pinned you against the wall." Wrong choice, doll~ *hic*" he said. He reached down his pants and unbuckled his belt. Before anything else could happen, a force pulled the guy away from you. Even if you're kind, you would never forgive nor forget this man. He tried to rape you for crying out loud. You looked at the entrance of the alleyway and there, you saw, the robber with the same coloured glow as the force that surrounded the man. You ran up to him and hugged him, glad that he saved you, even if he was robber. He wasn't expecting you to hug him but he returned the hug. You started to get sleepy. You fell asleep on Nightmare's ribcage. He froze, uncertain of what to do in a situation like this. He had to go and give his brother food or he'll come looking for him. He got an idea! He didn't like it one bit but how was he going to carry you if he had two trash bags full of gold and food? He put the bags down and coiled around you, gently. He grabbed you by the shoulders and, you know what happened next. He swallowed you whole. Now things were almost easier- almost. He had to slither carefully as to not hurt you accidentally.

The End

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