Giant! Yanberry! Sans

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Warning: very memey.

" WHO IS YOU?!" a VERY cute human asked." I'M THE MOTHER OF ANIME!" Yanberry said. Yeah, you two were at it again. This is basically a normal thing that happens 5:00 in the FUNKING morning. Thank goodness that the other two weren't here or you would get scolded. The two finally decided to take it for the day and went your seperate ways. After that, the human went to bed. Ah, how rude of me- that human is Y/n L/n! Anyways, after they went to bed; the other two came back. They didn't question why there were pancakes on the ceiling because they already knew the answer. Shattered looked disappointed but didn't mind since the got a maid. He was too tired to deal with this and went to his room where you were currently sleeping."*Chuckle* Oh Y/n, I don't know what you did to us but, I'm glad that you brought some light in our life." He said before going to sleep.

" Y/n? Y/n? Oh my go- Y/N!" Yanberry yelled once he saw your injured body. You were a young adult now. He rushed to your firm and immediately picked you up as gently as he could, his hands shaking uncontrollably and tears forming in his sockets. He was about to cry when he saw you move slightly. He opened his mouth before putting you in and concealed your now fragile form away from the dangerous world. He swallowed you, sending you to his ecto red-ish blue stomach. He smiled in relief before going back home. He sure had a lot of explaining to do.

The End

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