Lamia! Bill

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Requested by ultimastarwolfie1264. I'll be using her oc, Harmony, and Y/n. There will mentions of my lamia oc. Btw, (y/p/a) stands for 'your past age' and (y/c/a) stands for 'your current age'. Your age can be made up or it could be your real age. Anyways, enjoy!

" Harmony?! Where are you?!" An experiment yelled, searching for their friend." Hold on Y/n! I'm coming!" Another yelled, sounding desperate." Got you!" 'Harmony' said, using some of her magic to teleport away from the lab and into an... enclosure? Why did they have an enclosure? Was something in h- she sensed that they both weren't alone." Harmony?"" Shhh.... I don't think we're alone..." She was right, they weren't alone." W-what do you m-mean?" 'Y/n' whispered, their wings pressed even closer to their body." Shhh." Harmony held their mouth to shut them up. Y/n tried to open their eyes but the pain was unbearable. I forgot to tell you that the scientists poured some type of liquid on their eyes and they now rely on their other senses; so in other words: they were blind. Rustling was heard from the bushes next to them, causing them to turn their attention to that bush and slowly back away. The rustling got intense before a deer jumped out of the bushes, letting them sigh in relief.

It's been hours since they started to search for a way out. Without warning, both got pounced and were in the coils of a snake. The snake body having yellow and black patterns." Well, well, well, what do we got here?" Harmony recognized the voice, a voice that made her eyes glimmer with hope." Bill!" She said with excitement." Harmony?" The coils immediately loosened around her but not Y/n." What are you doing out here? And who is this?" He pointed at Y/n while eyeing Harmony." Well, we escaped from the lab. As for them, they are the person I told you about: Y/n" The lamia didn't seem to trust the experiment in his coils." Well, since you escaped from the lab; how about you go say hello to 404 and King Multiverse? They are still panicking after your last interaction with us which was, what? Two hours ago?" Her eyes widen as a smile grew on her face. She immediately teleported away, wanting to see her two caretakers.

Bill immediately glared at the experiment before letting them go." Who are you?" He asked threateningly, wanting to know if the experiment truly was the famous Y/n everyone talked about." I-I'm e-experiment #463 o-or b-better k-known a-as Y/n!" They squeaked, stuttering so much that even Bill was surprised." You mean THE Y/n everyone is talking about?" If this was the Y/n everyone talked about, he would ask them some questions about how they got here, etc." E-everyone t-t-talks a-about m-m-me?" Poor experiment was confused." So you are the fa-"" Oi! Dumb ass! Harmony got eaten by Error404!" A shrilling voice yelled, causing both to flinch." Slither! I'm busy talking with the famous Y/n!" After he said 'Y/n', a female lamia came, being much larger than Bill." Y/n?!"" Slither?!" Bill was confused on how both of them knew each other." You know each other?" Slither looked at him." Yes, yes we know each other. We actually met three months ago during an interview..." Slither looked back at Y/n before noticing their eyes." OH MY ASGORE! WHAT HAPPENED?!" She immediately went into mom mode, ready to whoop someone's ass." T-they p-poured a-a strange l-liquid o-ver m-my e-eyes. N-now I-I'm b-blind..." Both lamias looked at each other with fear." Did Harmony go to any tests?" They shook their head." No, only I did." The stuttering vanished from their voice, feeling more confident than before." What the heck are you two doing?" All three flinched." KM!" Both lamias screamed." What? Error404 won't let me see Harmony and I was bored."" Who?" The lamia immediately looked at the other experiment, surprised and worried.


The night with all the lamias were quiet. Harmony was still in 404's second stomach, Slither and KM were talking, Bill asking Y/n questions until a thought accured." Hey Y/n?""Hmmm?"" How long were you here?" Everything went silent. The other lamias turned their attention in their direction, being curious aswell." W-well," They started." I think maybe 12 years?" The silence turned eerie. Bill looked into their cloudy eyes before at the others." So, you've been in that hell hole for 12 years?" Error404 asked." Yes, that's correct, I think."" How old were you when you were brought here?" KM asked." I was (y/p/a)."" And how old are you now?" Everyone started to shift uncomfortably."(y/c/a), why?" Everyone started to sweat. How were they going to explain this to them that they were the oldest experiment in that darn lab?!


Y/n couldn't sleep, even if they tried. They didn't take the explanation in that well, refusing to believe that they've been in that darn lab longer than anyone else. Bill was still awake and took notice." Let's go Y/n"" Go? Go where?" They asked." To the pool." He said before slithering up to them, picking them up and heading straight to the pool's direction

They both reached the pool. The moonlight illuminated in the night sky, reflecting off of the surface of the water in the pool." We're here." Although Y/n couldn't see the area, they assumed that it was a gorgeous sight to see, judging by the relaxed aura radiating from Bill." What does it look like? Is it pretty?" They asked as they were put down on soft grass by the lamia." It's a beautiful sight to see. It's so beautiful that you words can't describe how beautiful it truly is." Bill explained, voice calm and not uptight." Wish I could see it..." Their voice held sadness and longing, emotions he knew all too well." Hey, no need to be sad... Just- use your imagination to think how it looks like!" That brightened their mood!" Your right!" They closed their eyes, seeming to concentrate on imagining what the scene looked like.


Y/n fell asleep in Bill's coils, the scaly surface was smooth and soft to the touch. Bill looked at them, knowing that they would be uncomfortable if he shifted to make himself comfortable.

He felt the temperature drop, feeling the small experiment in his coils shiver ever so slightly. He turned his upper half to face them, tongue flicking out of his mouth to taste them. The flavor he got was terrifying. The tasted like sadness and stress. He HAD to take them in.

Bill opened his maw and slowly got Y/n's head in his mouth. The yellow ecto-flesh and muscle in his mouth was soft and warm. He moved his head a bit further down to their waste before taking the first gulp, bringing their entire body inside his throat while their feet were in his mouth, surrounded by needle like teeth. He tilted his head back and gulped, sending them straight into one if his internal chambers.


Bill coiled around himself and his full stomach, being careful to not hurt Y/n. He will never admit but, he cared about them. He really cared about them and wanted to get them out of here. His thoughts stopped as sleep started to consume him, welcoming him with open arms. Both pred and prey slept, escaping from the world.

The End

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