Buttontale! Sans

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This was requested by fanfictionloverPaige. I don't know alot about this au so, it's gonna be short. I'll try my best and please do forgive me for this short chapter. Anyways, enjoy this lovely chapter. Also, this is how I see this au even if I did a lot of research.

Darkness, all you saw was darkness. You see, you got into a car crash while you had your doll with you named Sans, Sans the Skeleton. You don't remember when or where you got hit in the car crash but all you saw was your plush running towards you, tears in his button-like eyes before passing out. You just hoped that you didn't die but you just couldn't remember your name or the rest of your past, not even your parents or friends. You don't even know how much time had passed. You wanted to get out if this black void, seeing as it got boring here quite quickly in vast place

Button pov

I was crying, my caretaker from when they were a baby was in a coms for 4 weeks now. I didn't know what to do! After they passed out, I sat by their side and teleported back to a void where I knew Error was in. Since I was his favourite 'glitch', he helped me and used his strings to hang her up. I had to go back to my au but I always visited her every now and then and made sure that Ink didn't try to take her back to my au. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Error take her SOUL." Error? What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't say anything before he used his strings to lift me up to his level." Doing something that will help your friend." He said before pushing her SOUL in my mouth, causing me to swallow it." WHAT THE H-" I was about to argue back before I saw him shrinking Y/n." Just do this and she will be healed faster. This will also help shorten her coma." He said. He was my friend but I didn't understand why he didn't want to do it himself." Why won't you do it?" I asked." I can but then two people need to be eaten. For example, after you eat her then I can eat you. This will cause the process to go quicker than you doing this alone." He said." Are you going... to..." I didn't finish my sentence."*sigh* Yes but it's because you are my favourite glitch." He said." O-okay."

Error pov

I actually hate calling Button a glitch and I'm also worried for Y/n. They were the only people that accepted me for who I was, except the gang but that isn't the point! Button didn't open his mouth so I had to force him to swallow Y/n. After he swallowed them, I grabbed him with my strings and lowered him into my mouth, my tongues grabbing his legs. I finally had enough and started to swallow him, being careful to not hurt Y/n. I finally got him in my throat and swallowed, making sure that he arrived in my stomach before going to my hammock. You see, I see Button and Y/n as my own children. I adopted them and they loved me like a father while I loved them as my children. I then drifted off to sleep, knowing that Button probably also went to sleep.

Y/n's pov

I woke up in a squishy, wet, warm and dark blue place that was slightly translucent. I think I remembered everything before memories flooded in my mind. I now knew where I was: in Buttons' stomach. I didn't mind and went back to sleep.

The End

I hope that you enjoyed the plot twist I gave you readers. Also, there might be a book two coming out after this book is done. Bye~

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