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Warning: This has angst, I'm bad at writing angst. Requested by FoxieUvU.

You couldn't believe this. Nightmare, the person who you thought loved you, watched you die from the positive arrow Dream shot. How did you get the arrow lodged in your stomach? Well, you jumped infront of him, protecting him but he didn't care. His lone eye stared at you coldly, not one ounce of emotion in his gaze. The others didn't know that you were dying but Dream, he was in tears. You gave Nightmare one last look, before your SOUL shattered.

It's been 7 years, the gang started to slack off and Nightmare? Well, he didn't feel whole. He thought you had the reset ability but no, you were really gone. Less aus were destroyed and this caught everyone's attention, getting suspicious with the lack of the Bad Guys destroying and causing havoc in the aus. Little did they know, a certain member of the Bad Guys was reincarnated into the body of a 7 year old.

" Okay you useless shits, let's go destroy some aus." The gang looked up, nodding in sadness. Everything didn't feel the same." Yes boss..." Dust spoke, his voice held sadness. Everyone got up, going through the portal that Error created.

" Leave this au alone!" Ink shouted, protecting a little child from Error." Why? It's so much fun!" The child ran up to another child, hugging them for dear life. Killer looked at them, seeming familiar." Boss, that child- do you think..." Killer whispered, Nightmare looking in the direction where he pointed. His eye widened before telepathically telling his gang to kidnap the child. Ink and the rest tried to save the child but it was too late, Error caught them and threw them through the portal." We got what we wanted, let's leave this pathetic au to crumble..." The gang left, leaving the Stars confused.

" Stay away from me you cows!" Yup, that was you alright. They were glad, happy that they found you but slightly guilty." Do you remember us?" Dust asked." Yes, I do. Now, take me back to my motherfu-" Horror stopped her from saying that word." Nope, you're not saying that word. You're too young." You glared at them, Nightmare picked you up and dismissed everyone.

Both arrived in Nightmare's room, Y/n puffing her cheeks." Why didn't you save me?" Nightmare looked at you, his eye held guilt." I thought you had the reset ability..." Before you could say anything, he opened his maw. You froze in place, fear evident in your eyes. Not knowing what happened during your fear-state, you landed in his stomach. You were scared, not knowing if he'll let you out. You just went with it, getting comfortable before falling asleep. Nightmare reading a book with a hand on the bulge in his stomach protectively, not wanting to lose you again.

The End

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