Empireverse! Dust

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In this chapter, you are a small child. Enjoy~

Y/n swam in the pool, the Moon Empire watching them closely. Last time the swam in the pool, they almost drowned and Nightmare had to pull them out with a tentacle." Everyone except Dust, come with me." Nightmare announced, everyone except Dust followed him. Dust grinned, taking his knife out of his pocket and placed it in a hidden shelf." Dusty! Come swim with me!" They exclaimed happily, wanting him to get in the pool." Hold on! I'm coming and then we'll have fun!" He said and got in the cold water, his legs turned into a mermaid's tail- a mershark tail to be exact." Yay! Shark Dusty is here!" Dust chuckled, swimming close to them." Yes, Shark Dusty is here." He cooed, lifting them out of the water and close to his face." Come on, let's get you to bed." He said, eyesockets softening when he saw how tired they looked. He didn't get a response as they were fast asleep. He opened his maw and placed their tiny head in his mouth.

He made quick work of them because he didn't want the others to know his secret of being a mershark. The small child in his stomach, resting. He'll tell the others about his mershark secret one day.

The End

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