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You and Cherry, as you like to call him, were heading towards Asgore's castle. Why? You have an illness and there is no known cure. You were freezing and Cherry forgot about his jacket. He then stopped and saw you far behind. You took another step forward and collapsed, right infront of his sockets. His eyesockets widen and he rushed to your side. You were freezing cold and your breathing became hitched. You were suffering from the cold. He had to think fast. He got an idea. He used his magic and shrunk you. You were now 10cm tall. He picked you up and said," Don't worry, sweetheart. I have an idea." Was all he said before he opened his mouth and placed you in, careful as to not hurt you with his sharp teeth. He closed his mouth behind you shut. He tilted his head back slightly and swallowed you, sending you to his stomach. Once you reached it, you panicked before realising that you were safer in his gut than out in the open. You smiled half-heartedly and layed down and went to sleep." Good night, sweetheart. Have sweet dreams." Was all you heard before going to dreamland.


I know, really short chapter. I promise to make the next chapter a bit longer, ok? Bye~

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