Lamia! Fell

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Requested by Theresa_Pain. Hope you enjoy!

It got away. The prey got away from the flightless avian. It was an adult but, for some reason, couldn't fly." I really am a disgrace to my kind..." They muttered, opening their wings to show the gorgeous (f/c) feathers glimmering in the rays of the sunlight. The closed their wings, heading towards their hunting grounds where prey always went by. Though, when they got there, there was no prey. It was eerily silent, only a breeze and the grass swaying gently. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

Bushes rustling got their attention, head snapping in the direction as they slowly took two steps back. The bushes stopped rustling before a creature jumped out of it, revealing to be a small mouse. The mouse however, ran away." Prey don't normally do that..." They muttered before squinting their eyes in confusion. Then, their senses told them to fly. They couldn't, instead, they ran away. Just in time before a loud Thud was heard. They looked behind themselves to see a predator, a predator that hunt and ate their kind: a lamia. However, they weren't scared. Instead, they were annoyed." Really? Trying to sneak attack me?" The lamia got out of his weird trance before looking at the (f/c) avian." Awwww~ but I was hungry~" His gold tooth glimmered in the suns' rays." Oh really? Then, explain why the heck you didn't hunt for the both of us?!" The lamia immediately started sweating." W-well-"" Fell, you know I'm dependant on you. I can't fly or hunt properly." Their tone was filled with sadness, letting 'Fell' hear how sad they were." I know, Y/n. Trust me, I know... I just- forgot..." Y/n came to him and wrapped their wings around the lamia, just wanting a hug." Just... remember next time..."" I will... I will..." Both lamia and avian went to a cave deep in the forest." I'm taking a nap. We can hunt later..." Y/n dosed off while Fell didn't. He stared at them, watching their breathing slowdown before coiling around them, opening his maw before gently taking their head in his mouth. The glowing muscles being a red color, aswell as being wet. He took the first swallow, 'prey' sliding down the dark tube. The slimy and strong muscles were pulling them down further into the tunnel. Another gulp and they were pulled deeper into his throat. He used some magic to form a 'crop' in his snake half before gulping for the last time. His 'prey' gently slid down his throat, into his stomach before being sent to his 'crop' where he usually stored prey. He called it his storage stomach or, well, a safe place to keep his avian friend/lover. He curled around himself before his sockets grew heavy. He closed them, entering the world of dreams.

The End

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