Jet! Nightmare

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Requested by AmeilaAfton. Warning: I know very little about this Nightmare- and Dream! Sans, because I recently found it. Maybe around a year ago and I still barely know them well. I still hope you enjoy!

Everything about Nightmare was perfect in Y/n's eyes. The way he spoke, his careful planning and how he treated his comrades with respect and care- he was perfect!


Y/n held Dream in her grasp, hugging him as if he was her very own sibling." Y/n, stop hugging me. I'm not that same Positive guardian from 2 days ago." Dream was right, he wasn't the same guardian from 2 days ago, causing her to frown." Why do you have to remind me?" She was harshly pushed away from the forced embrace, eyes widening." Leave me alone, Y/n. Good Asgore you're annoying. No wonder nobody wanted to be your friend." With that, he walked away, leaving Y/n all alone in the room. If Dream turned around, he would have noticed a single tear leaving her eyes.

Y/n began to sob uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face at the rude comment. Never in her life did she cry. She always bottled up her emotions to prevent anyone from pitying her. Now, she couldn't, her last pillar having been destroyed by the very person she hoped would understand and feel her bottled up emotions.

Her sobs ceased, her lips a straight line as a shadow casted over her eyes. She got up and dusted herself before standing upright and walked to the door and down the hall." Hey Y/n."" Greetings, Dust." It didn't seem like Dust or any of the two murderous skeletons noticed her sudden change in tone. If they did, they either ignored it or said nothing.

" Y/n!" Nightmare's voice rang through the dark castle, anger clear in his voice. She hurriedly went to his office, seeing his crown broken in half with a strand of her hair." Y/n, I am very disappointed in you." He rubbed his temple, frustrated and upset." You are leaving my castle and never returning." She felt her heart break into millions of pieces, the shadow covering her eyes darkened. She just simply... nodded before leaving the room, going to her room and packing her belongings.


The next hour or so, a meeting was held up and everyone- except Cross- wondered where Y/n was." Her whereabouts is part of the meeting. She has been officially kicked out of the gang. As for the other reason, I was thinking of---" And so, they listened to the plan with sad sockets. The only one with a straight face was Cross.


" Did my little shining g- what happened?!" Bill's voice rang through the house." I was kicked out of the gang. It's fine though, I could care less." This was beyond what he expected from Y/n. She would never say such things." You would never say such things- it's beyond you!" He knew why she said those things: her eyes had no spark. The darker shade of her usual eye colour proved him that she lacked any emotions.


It has been days since Y/n left and the atmosphere in the castle was more gloomy than usual, Cross noticed. Why did they care about Y/n? She was nosy and so clingy!

Dream had it worse, tears built up in his eye sockets and poured like a never ending rainstorm." I shouldn't have said that! It's my fault!"

Nightmare? Well, he was not getting up from doing paperwork. Usually Y/n would offer doing it for him. Now, with her gone, he couldn't get a break." I'm fixing this." He mumbled and stood up, tentacles summoned for incase Bill wanted a fight.


She couldn't take it anymore after her emotions came back and cried, her orbs watching the night sky." Y/n?" She recognized that voice." Nightmare? What are you doing here?" Her voice was extremely soft, barely loud enough for Nightmare to hear." I wanted to say, I'm sorry."

It was silent before warm arms snaked their way around his middle, embracing him." It's fine. I already forgive you." Her orbs locked with his eyelight, the bags under her eyes made him frown." When was the last time you slept?" She flinched." I- maybe 4 days ago?" His eye socket widened a fraction." You need sleep."" But-"" No buts! You are sleeping! Whether you like it or not!" She swor that he used his magic because, she blacked out.


His tar started to obsorb the sleeping girl in his hold. He did obsorb her through his tar out of free will- a SOUL floated before him, colour dim because of the sleeping owner in his tar. Gently grabbing it, he summoned his apple SOUL. The dark colour of it easily dwarfing the dim one.

He obsorbed the SOUL too, focusing on his tar to send the obsorbed girl to his stomach where she will sleep for four days straight. It felt good to do it again.


Nightmare sat in his office, a smile plastered on his skull." Sleep well, my Queen." He patted his middle before going on with his paperwork.

The End
No part two

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