King Parallelverse

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I know nothing about him, only knowing that he looks like KM but larger. Why must I be a simp for every Sans? Anyways, enjoy!

It was a bad day for Y/n, their delicate skin full of bruises from their family. They were confused and heartbroken. Whatever they did wrong made them feel guilty, made them feel...

L I K E  A N  O U T C A S T

They thought that they didn't belong with them and came up with a plan to escape, a plan that would lead them to a being higher than all.

You have dreamt for this moment, a time where you would leave this forsaken place once and for all. You got your backpack from under your bed and silently snuck out your window before sprinting away from your house, the house where you grew up in to be nothing more then a punch bag.

You reached the border of the forest, looking back with a smile, not a fake one, a real smile. Turning around and looking back into the dark, eerie silent forest before walking straight in, no hesitation in doing so. You only took six steps before sprinting, arms in the air as you smiled, proud of yourself to have escaped from that hell. The further you went into the woods, the quieter and darker it got. It got more eerie as you came to a halt, noticing the eerie silence of the woods, the dark atmosphere didn't help either. 'Atleast there was a river nearby- a river?!' You thought as you heard the rush of water. You ran in the direction of the sound, hoping to get a sip from the refreshing liquid.

They sat by the bank of the river, drinking its cool contents. They saw something in the water, something shiny. Without a second thought, they jumped in, forgetting that they didn't know how to swim. The moment they saw that it was a pearl and tried to head to the surface, they realized their mistake and desperately used their limbs, hoping to make progress to reach the surface. That attempt was futile as their lungs burned, begging for fresh air. Their lungs couldn't hold it anymore and their mouth opened, water entering their lungs, suffocating them from the lack of oxygen. They closed their eyes, drowning as they sank to the bottom of the river. Before they went into the afterlife, they heard a splash and someone pulling them out of the water and onto cold dry land where the crickets sang. Then, nothing.

It was the next day and Y/n woke up, looking at their surroundings. They were on the bank of the river, soaked from the water that came from the river. Who rescued them? They didn't know but was still thankful, wanting to praise their savior. They got up and went searching for edible food, getting leaves and sticks with vines and went back to the river, eating their meal before getting to work.

They managed to make a small tent out of the leaves, sticks and vines. They decided to rest a while, exhausted from the heating rays of the sun that shone on their tent. They didn't know what time it was but they knew that it would be night soon.

It was night and it was raining. Boy did they wish that they brought a blanket, the cold literally made them shiver. They ignored that, however, and tried to go to sleep.

Warmth and wet. That's what they felt when they woke up, only to see a massive Yin Yan skeleton gulping their legs. They struggled, alerting the monster that they were awake. They studied how large he was and estimated that it was around 9'9 - 9'10 feet tall, giving it an advantage to swallow them in 4 gulps. They struggled, screamed and even tried to free their arms from its iron grip, but to no avail. It was hopeless, they knew that but kept on struggling.

Only their head was sticking out of they monster's maw, it's YinYan tongue pulling their head entirely in its maw. It closed its maw, saliva started dripping on their delicate skin which also burned some of the infected wounds. Without a warning, they were gulped down and into the awaiting hungry chamber. They struggled on their way, making the process quicker without them noticing. Their legs began to enter an opening, raising the fear to an extreme level where they felt lightheaded. Slowly, their whole body began to enter the chamber until their head entered, seeing where they were caused them to silently tear up. A sudden pressure from outside got their attention, freezing from the sudden pressure of the monster that just ate them alive." ?" They were confused when the creature rubbed its stomach up and down in slow motion, a specific rhythm: it wanted to comfort them. They stayed silent however and stayed still, not wanting to interact with the monster that just ate them.

???'s Pov

I tried to comfort my little passenger by rubbing my middle, seeming to fail miserably. I wanted to talk but I haven't said a word in such a long time that I was afraid that it would sound raspy. I decided to atleast try, if it didn't work then I'll just have to let them figure it out." Hello? Are you ok?" I was surprised to hear my voice not cracking. The human just flinched, knowing that I might have frightened them." Hey, look, I know this seems bad but trust me, you won't die." Nothing came from them, not a word. That was until a faint voice was heard." Liar... I'm gonna die... I'm gonna be digested..." Ok, not a good response but atleast I knew they could communicate. " Kid, not sure you noticed buy I'm literally a skeleton monster that has magic. I literally can't digest anything, my magic won't allow it." They gave a violent kick which did make me angry but I kept my anger, not wanting to do anything rash." LIAR! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! YOU ATE ME BECAUSE YOU WERE HUNGRY AND I WAS THE PERFECT SNACK! YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM- JUST LIKE EVERYONE!" I did not expect them to have an outburst, heck, not expecting them to kick as they started their outburst. The one thing that caught my attention was how they said 'them' and 'everyone' with venom.' So, they didn't have a happy childhood... noted.' I thought, creating a portal and going to my dimension. I'll let them out after my nap.

Your Pov

I woke up to see that I'm still alive and in the monster's stomach. I was still tired from my little outburst from earlier but I couldn't rest, not after I knew I was in an organ that could literally digest me. I sighed, feeling guilty for harming the skeleton that spoke the truth. Sure I was scared but, if he wanted to kill me then he would have done so long ago. With that, I went back to sleep.

It has been a few days after that little interaction and I met the others. They were rude and scary at first but they eventually became my friends- no, my family.

The End

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