Ink and Error

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Requested by MidnightArch05. I didn't know which one to do so I decided to do both!

Error ending

Never in your life had you felt so useless, the thought of being used as a puppet made you feel sick. You so badly wanted to die, being depressed and suicidal didn't help you either. Heck, you were mute! He took you away from your au, the one where you felt at home- at peace even! Now, it's all gone. Destroyed by the Destroyer of Aus himself: Error, he was sick- out of his mind!" I'm back, stupid anomaly." His glitchy voice rang into your ears, boiling you with anger." Oi! I'm talking to you!" You had enough, it was time to prepare for the consequences. You showed him the finger, angering him. He wrapped his strings around your neck, having intentions of killing you. Or so you believed. You passed out from the lack of air entering your lungs but before you blacked out completely, you heard him speaking." Finally, now I can have lunch." You didn't stay awake long enough to see what he was doing.

You puffed your cheeks, annoyed that you were in timeout in your least favorite spot: his stomach. Well, atleast you didn't die.

Ink ending

How did this happen? First, you were at a Christmas party and when you arrived, everyone was drunk- except for Dream, Blue, Ink+ the Bad Guys and Reaper. Being deaf has its perks. Ink noticed you, signing something you you.' Let's go, it's getting boring...' You didn't hesitate and went back to the Doodlephere. You suddenly shrunk and tried to hold your anger in. Ink just opened his mouth and placed you in, closing his mouth before swallowing you.

Both of you rested, the party ended 2 minutes ago. It will always be remembered.

The End

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