FGOD! Error

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Requested by mamanootmare69. Hope you enjoy!

Another au was destroyed by Error, forced God of destruction. He hated this- he wanted to end it all but he couldn't. Not after knowing that there was a human that cared about him. Y/n... the only human that cared about him, the only human that helped him, the only human that had no bad intentions. He trusted them with his entire being. He opened a portal before Ink arrived. He didn't want to fight that soulless squid and avoided most fights with him." Ah, I see you've returned. Food is almost done by the way." A human said. Basically, Error took them and their entire house and brought them to his anti-void." I'll be sure to come and devour your cooking!" He was honest, their cooking was the best cooking ever- except Horror, his cooking was the best." I'm sure you will." They replied, going back to cooking the food.

Error and the human, Y/n, enjoyed the food Y/n made. The flavour was incredible. If Horror tasted their food, he'll immediately take them and let them help him make food." So, how was 'work'? Did she talk to you again?" Y/n asked." She said the usual and I 'enjoyed' destroying that au!" They knew he was sarcastic, really, they did. They knew how it felt to do things you don't want to do, being controlled like a puppet by the puppeteer- the same was happening to him. That's why they stayed: they both were so similar." So, what did you gather from Ink?" Ah yes, they were a spy for the Bad Guys." I learned that he is going to attack their base, although Blue and Dream said otherwise." This was bad. Very, very bad." I alerted the gang about it, all the details and when the attack is going to take place." He sighed, relieved to hear that." I'm off, see ya tomorrow Y/n." And he went to bed.

The house was silent. The only sound that was heard was the slight creaking of the wooden tiles. Error watched your sleeping figure with hunger. He wanted to consume you like all the other nights. He gently placed a hand on your forehead, magic dancing from his palm before you shrunk. He stopped his magic and gently picked your small, fragile figure up. You looked adorable but, he needed to eat. He opened his maw and gently placed you inside, being careful to not wake you up. He closed his maw and then he swallowed. Your small, helpless figure going down his throat and into the translucent ecto-flesh. He'd let you out later. For now, he needed rest.

The End

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