Empireverse! Horror

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A young female walked down the path to the dark and mysterious castle, the moonlight giving it an eerie vibe. Her name was Y/n, adopted daughter of Horror from the Moon Empire. Being the daughter of a murderer has its downfalls. First: people accuse you of also being a murderer, second: your fathers' enemies try to capture you and accuse you of murders aswell and lastly: they beat you up. Yeah, she's been there. No matter how kind she was, they always said that it was an act to let their guards down."*Sigh* Looks like I finally returned... After 10 years, I can finally see how father is doing." She said, opening the large doors and entered." Dad! I'm back!" Just the sound of her voice made a blur rush in her direction." Y/N! How have you been? Are you ok? Do I need to tend to any wounds? D-"" I'm fine, dad! All that matters is that I'm home." She hugged him, her lips turned into a genuine smile." Let's go tell the others of my return, shall we?" He nodded, escorting her through the hallway.

Having a party was definitely not a good idea. Everyone, except for Horror and Y/n, were drunk. Wine glasses on the table with wine bottles, the wine bottles everywhere." I just want to sleep, this is too much..." She said, pinching the bridges of her nose." Let's go to my room, I have 'surprise' for you." He quoted the word surprise, Y/n understanding what he meant." As you wish, let's head to your room." She said, walking behind Horror.

Both were in Horror's room, the dark and eerie room." Let's get this over with, father." She said and began to shrink, Horror agreeing.

45 minutes later

Y/n was in his stomach, actually resting for the first time in 10 years. Horror just started reading a book as he knew that she would be safe with him, safe with her family.

The End

Sorry that I didn't update thus book, I was stressed and had writers block. Please forgive me. Bye~

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