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Warning: cussing at the end. If you don't like cussing then please leave. Gift for DarkSkele. Nadir or any of these characters do not belong to me, they belong to DarkSkele. For those who stayed, enjoy~

Y/n watched as the attacker got murdered before her by none other than Nadir himself. She was scared, scared about the fact that she traveled into his forest while being unaware of her attacker before he pounced.

Nadir looked at the she-wolf, his next movements being unreadable." What are you doing in my territory, wolf?" His voice was dark and had a hint of irritation." I-I'm s-sorry f-for t-t-trespassing!" She ranted before her tail was between her legs, ears flattened against her soft head. Though, it seemed that Nadir glared daggers at her. She was about to speak before he interrupted her." I'm being merciful today. Use it wisely." And he slithered away, leaving Y/n all alone in his territory. She was surprised but quickly ran away from hid territory in a blind panic. She was happy to have been spared while others weren't... so lucky.

" WHERE WERE YOU?! ARE YOU THAT STUPID TO LEAVE YOUR OWN HOME?!" The shouts of Y/n's mother rang into her cave." I-" She couldn't finish as her mother bit her neck and threw her at a wall." NO EXCUSES! YOU KNOW WHAT?! LEAVE!" Her eyes widened, betrayal and heartbreak swarming through her body, heart racing more frantically than ever before." W-"" LEAVE!" Everything around her went into slow motion.

Y/n's ears lowered, tail going between her hind legs as she stood up and walked out of the cave, her siblings crying with wide eyes. She was the omega while her family were the alphas." You know what? I wish that I had a better mother and father." Were her final words before she left, not taking a glance back at her mother's hurt expression.

Y/n stood at the edge of her and his border, getting second thoughts of her decision. She looked back at the path to her home, the home she once grew up in." I hope you are happy now, mother, father." Her eyes started to turn grey as did her fur. The once bright (f/c) fur and eyes now a grey colour. Her eyes still had their shine, but for how long until her whole being is engulfed by her sadness? Her mixed emotions?" What are you d-" The voice of Nadir got cut off by the sight of the same wolf he gave mercy to, only difference was that she was a plain grey colour." I wish to die." She stepped over her border, getting closer to Nadir.

He was taken back by her words. He saw the shine vanish from her eyes, leaving a husk of a body. He- this wasn't the wolf he has been watching for months... this had to be a different wolf, right?" May I ask why?" He asked as the wolf stared at him, her grey eyes having no emotion left in them." I just want to die." It wasn't like this specific wolf to just throw their life away, especially considering that she is around 27 winters old.

Y/n was coiled by the feared lamia's tail, not even flinching in fear or anything. No howl, no begging- nothing." Hmmmm~ I gave you mercy, only for you to waste it." He brought his skull closer to her face." I guess I can't let that go now, can I?" He opened his maw and quickly swallowed the wolf, feeling them slide down his esophagus felt pleasant. Though, he wanted struggling. He hated the fact that this wolf didn't even struggle. Then again, she didn't have any emotions. All that was left was the husk of a wolf." That was a very nice meal~" He purred out, tongue flicking every so often." Get comfy, you're death shall be slow and painful~" Lie. He was lying. He wasn't going to obsorb her, no, he was going to turn her into one of his villagers. Although wolf, she would be like Delusion and the others: part of his tribe. He'll just have wait and see what to do.

Y/n felt the muscles pulsate around her with every breathe the predator took. She didn't care, her last light had been distinguished by her family.

She felt the lamia move and focused on where he was heading. North. He was probably going back to the village to take a nap to wait for her to be obsorbed. She closed her eyes, darkness consumed her.


Y/n didn't expect to be alive. She wanted to know: why? Why was she still alive?" The wolf is awake."" Canis!"" Stop, we don't know if-"" FIGHT ME-"" Delusion, Canis, Assassin, Dispatch stop." Ok, what the f-" Why am I here? And who are you?" She turned her empty gaze at the creatures before her." One: Nadir brought you here, two: I-"" Mine." A Coywolf was something that she didn't expect to see." N-"" Mine."" Damnit..." Well, she was hoping to die, not coming across this. The Coywolf was touching her-" Fuck off." She told the Coywolf,  earning laughter." Fuck you, fuck you, f-" Everyone stopped when they realized: this wasn't gonna end anytime soon.

" Fuck off you bloody lamia!" Y/n yelled, having gained some emotion back with the help of Delusion." You need a b-"" Fuck no!" And she ran. Life wasn't so bad when you get to know them, honestly. Though, the downfall was that Y/n was one to cuss when she is irritated by the mere thought and mention of the word bath." Don't use such foul language!"" No. Go fuck yourself." Y/n ran as she didn't want to take a bath. Suddenly, she was pinned by Assassin." Gotcha!" Y/n sighed before turning human, shocking Assassin before she kicked him in the gut." That fucking hurt!"" Stop whining!"

Nadir had a pleased look after Y/n came out of the tub, eyes holding nothing more than fury and murder." I'm murdering one of you next time." An irk mark appeared on her forehead." I'm sure you will." That does it-



The End

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