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Requested by LunaD66. Hope you enjoy!

Running around the forest, was a child. She was happy to run around the forest, a routine she did every day. Her name, was Y/n L/n from a village, tho, they casted her out for something she didn't do: killing the leader." Ooooh! A birdy!" She exclaimed when she saw a (f/c) bird." Hmmmm." She held her chin as she thought of a name." I'm gonna call you... Aha! I'm gonna call you (b/n!" The bird chirped happily, as if it liked that name.

Hours went by as she went deeper into the forest. She was tired and drained of energy to continue walking.

She found a tree tall enough to keep her safe from predatory animals. She climbed the tree with the bit of energy she had left and made it to the top, laying down and huffed in exhaustion." Tired..." She muttered. Before long, her vision turned black as she gave in.

Midnight's pov

I watched the small child fall unconscious on a thick and sturdy branch.' Cute little thing.' I thought before I advanced closer to her, being very quiet. My figure came out of the shadows and into the light of the moon, revealing who I really am: a normal skeleton with cyan wings. Well- not a normal skeleton since I do have wings but, you get the point.

As I got closer, I noticed her twitching every now and then." A bad dream?" I asked when I stood in front of her still figure." Here," I rubbed her small hand with my phalange," you should have no nightmares now." I heard the sound of metal thumping on the ground." The JR gaurds..." I breathed before looking back at her." I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." I whispered before opening my jaws.

No pov

He engulfed Y/n's small head into his maw, causing her to wake up.

Once she was fully awake and saw the ecto-tongue: everything went downhill. She struggled, wanting to get out of the jaws of the creature.

Midnight almost fell over if it weren't for his quick reflexes. He knew this was going to happen and strained her movements. He took a deep breath, getting ready to pull their whole upper torso in his throat. He took a massive gulp, her upper torso getting pulled into his throat. Although their upper torso was in his throat and mostly restrained her struggles, her legs were kinda hard to swallow since she kept on kicking.

He gulped once more before gulping again, allowing the small buldge to travel down into his stomach

He felt her arrive in his ecto-stomach before violent struggles almost made him lose balance. He had no choice but to use his sleeping magic.

Y/n struggled before she felt drowsy, even though she wasn't tired. She yawned slightly before closing her eyes." Sleep well, little one." Was the last thing she heard before she began dreaming.

Midnight pov

" Sleep well, little one." I said before I felt her go limp. I smiled before opening my wings and shot up into the air, my silhouette making itself known in the moon's light. This was going to be a very long night, then I'll have to explain to the child on how it was just like a bag in there and.... I need to rest before I can plan on what I should tell her.

The End

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