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" Y/N!" a man yelled, clearly drunk from drinking alcohol. Soft thuds were heard and stopped, a young female standing infront of the man." Y-yes, master?" A loud smack echoed throughout the house, whimpers following in suit." Clean this mess up! It better be clean when I wake up or I'll feed you to the wolves!" The child nodded frantically, getting to work on cleaning while cutting themselves. Tears threatened to spill, wanting their misery to end. The only thing they thought of was when their friend will come, a friend that sucks blood to survive. A vampire, not just any vampire, Fallacy himself. The King of vampires friends with a 8-year-old? Shocking yes but he couldn't stop trying to comfort her, a bond formed between the two. After cleaning the pieces of broken glass, they went up to their room before bandaging their hands.



Looking at their window, they saw their friend. Smiling, they opened the window and let him in." Evening Y/n, how was your day?" His voice sent shivers down her spine, one that made her day." S-same as a-always..." Fallacy frowned, not liking the treatment she was receiving." If I could, I would have gotten you out of here and back to my place. You don't deserve this-this treatment." Shuffling around, the small being hugged him, reaching his waist." You know why I can't leave Mr. Fallacy, daddy will blame mommy when I'm gone." Fallacy just sighed and hugged the child, shuffling a little to get comfortable in his position before laying the child on his chest." Oh Y/n, you're too precious for this world." A soft smile formed on his face when he heard your breathing slowing, indicating that you fell asleep. Perfect! He gently lifted their head to his fangs, opening his jaws. Strings of saliva can be seen, pushing their head in his maw carefully. Having done this multiple times, he knew the timing when they woke up and when to hide from the 'dad'. The mother? She was kind and always made sure her daughter was ok, melting his cold SOUL.

After getting them in, he heard the sound of shoes and knew who it was. The door opened and there stood the mother, some blood bags in the basket." Thank you for helping my daughter." Her voice soft and kind, truth with each word. She knew about this but seemed grateful that someone was there for her daughter when she couldn't." Your welcome, Mrs. L/n." After that, she left the basket next to him for Jasper, his son.

The End

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