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You were walking in the judgement hall where Sans was waiting for you. You see, you were being controlled by Chara who was controlled by player. Sans never knew anything about this and fought against them while the two of you, Chara and you, fought the player for control. Chara helped you because she never meant any harm. You finally got confused when the player left. You got control over your body and was about leave when a bone shot through you. You turned around and smiled at Sans with tears in your eyes. His eye sockets widened when he saw you, the real you. You were determined and did a reset. Before even stepping a foot outside, you saw Toriel turn to dust. A skeletal hand covered your eyes and you felt yourself getting pushed in a tight tube. You reached a more spacious room. After what felt like hours, you were forced in a tight ball." I'm never gonna let you leave me ever again." Said an all to familiar voice. You now knew now that you were in his stomach. You started squirming to get out but to no avail. You gave up and awaited your fate." Are you gonna digest me yet?" You asked. This question took him off guard.'No, not in a million years!' He thought. Then his answer surprised you,"Now why would I do that to you? Just because I am a murderer doesn't mean that I have a heart." You were relieved to hear that and leaned against the walls of his stomach."Thank you," you said in a whisper to which he heard." No problem at all, Y/n. No problem at all," he said.

You met the other Sanses and found out that they were called the 'Bad Guys' when they actually are trying to keep the balance stable.

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