Kraken! Nightmare Part two

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Part two requested by Mangelfiquette. This is gonna give you all an idea of why Nightmare felt connected to you! Enjoy~

" Dream, Did you- did you feel connected to the child?" Dream looked down, thinking of whether to tell Nightmare he did or didn't which would be a lie if he said he didn't." I did, brother. They have the same aura, eyes and they can't talk. It HAS to be them, I don't know if it's really them or we are imagining things. I- jsob*" Dream began to cry while Nightmare thought about it. It's true, the child has the same aura as Y/n and they shared the same features- well, almost since this child was human while Y/n was a mermaid with (F/c) fins. He pulled Dream to his chest, comforting him as best as he can. Both looked at the human in the bubble, seeing how this human resembles Y/n." What if you're right, Dream?" Dream looked at him with disbelief." It's imp-" Nightmare pointed at their neck where a familiar pearl necklace sat, shocking him." Is she?" Dream didn't finish his sentence." It is, our little sister is home." Both shed tears of happiness while Horror, Cross, Killer and Dust looked at Y/n confused." Who's Y/n?" Horror asked, catching both of the larger males' attention." Our little sister, who we thought was dead, I'd reincarnated as a human. Harm them and I'm gonna put you in timeout." They shivered at the word timeout, not wanting to get swallowed and stay in his stomach for 4 hours." Yes, father." Nightmare rolled his eyes, yes he adopted them but they didn't need to call him father or Dream dad.

Seven minutes later

' Where- where am I?' The child thought, looking at their surroundings." They're awake!" They jumped and saw a shark with black stuff coming out of his eyes with a red tail coming to the bubble where they are in." Ah! You're awake, I'm glad." That voice, it sounded familiar and unfamiliar at the same time." Hello! I'm Dream!" That name sounded familiar." I'm Nightmare and the sharks are Horror, Cross, Dust and Killer." His name, why did their names sound familiar?" What's your name?" They used sign language to say their name, not expecting them to understand it." Y/n? Wonderful name!" In shock, they asked in sign language,' You can understand me?!' They chuckle half-heartedly, acting like older brothers." Of course we understand you, Cross is also mute but we try to help him speak again." Everyone except Cross said, he just waved in response." Don't worry! We'll take care of you!" Dream said, hid arms in the air. You trust them for some reason, not knowing that you are their dead little sister and friend.

Months later

You found out that you were Nightmare and Dream's sister, all your memories hit you like a rock. You were so happy that you found your family, even if it meant to get eaten to keep you safe from any danger.

The End

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