Giant! Shattered!Dream

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Just some information.


" Guys! Guess what I found!" Yanberry said." It better not be one of your blood taco's or I swear I'm gonna throw you out of the window!" Shattered said, being more annoyed than normal." Is it a headless bird?" Ink asked. Both Shattered and Yanberry looked at Ink with 'wtf' faces." No! It's a human!" Yanberry said, Shattered's eyesockets widen while Ink didn't care. Yanberry held out his hand to reveal a tiny SOUL, being smaller than an adult humans' SOUL." Where did you find them?!" Shattered asked, taking the tiny SOUL into his own hand before it took form of a 5-year-old child." Well, I walked into this au- in my tiny, 'innocent' form until a woman came up to me with blankets in her arms. She said that I must protect her child before leaving me." Yanberry said, both Shattered and Yan noticed that Ink has been a bit too quiet. The turned around and saw Ink on the ceiling, doing a split. The almost screamed- almost- before they heard crying. All three of them looked at the child before Shattered held them close to his chest, cooing." This is going to be interesting..." He thought.

" You can't catch me!" Y/n said." You have to go to sleep, Y/n!" Shattered said, trying to catch them with his tentacles and hands." No!" Y/n said." Stay still for one second! Gosh! You need sleep!" Ink said. Oh yeah, Y/n somehow made Ink feel emotions." Please Y/n! Just go to bed!" Yanberry said, trying to help Shattered and Ink to catch you. Shattered finally caught you and dismissed the other two." You know what's next, don't you?" Shattered asked, licking his lips. Y/n whined and pouted, they didn't want to sleep." Let me go! I don't want to sleep!" They said. Shattered shook his head before opening his mouth, placing Y/n in his mouth before closing his mouth. He felt Y/n bang against his teeth but ignored it and swallowed them. He traced the lump to his stomach where Y/n was. The reason he ate them was because his sleeping magic didn't affect them and he had to find another way. He tried this technique and it worked. He sighed before hearing light snoring. He chuckled before heading to bed.

The End

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