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You were on your way home when you got grabbed by a man with more men behind him. He put a cloth over your mouth and you passed out. I mean, c'mon! Kidnapping a 15 year old!? Yeah, they were peto's for sure.

You woke up in a weird place. It was white, everywhere was just white. You saw the men from before in scientist clothing and talking with other scientist.

You were tested on that day.


You have been their labrat for who knows how long. It was really boring here and you mostly listen to the scientists' conversations to make you less bored.


Today was in perfect order until the alarm went off." Code red, Kin has escaped! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!" Said the intercom. The men just ran away and locked you in there. You then heard snarling. You turned around and saw a skeleton hybrid. He was half skeleton and half dragon. He looked you dead in the eyes. You looked at the floor and sat on your elbows and knees with your hands covering your head for protection. You were on the verge of tears. You heard claws clicking and they were coming towards your direction. They stopped right infront of you. You were shaking, I can't blame you there now; can I?


Kin looked at your small frame. He opened his mouth and took your head in his mouth while his hands slithered around you. You were too scared to move, so it made it easier for the both of you. He gulped and shoved you further in his throat. He repeated it until only your feet were outside his mouth. He pushed them in his mouth and closed his mouth shut. He took the final gulp and you were now in his stomach. You shivered out of fear. He then patted his gut and finally spoke." You're safe now. No one can hurt you now." He said calmly. You then got tired and passed while he looked around for an exit so that the both of you,him, could escape.


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