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Requested by highlanderdargon15. I forgot to do a chapter with dude! Agh! Anyways, enjoy!


That's all butties were to monsters: food, a source of magic and energy. Nothing more. There were no such things as humans anymore, all the humans turned into bitties- easy targets for monsters to get revenge for being trapped in the underground for so long by their humans' ancestors. If the bitties were lucky, they'd find loving monster families. Just like the King and Queenof monsters: Asgore and Toriel who took Chara and Frisk as their adopted children so that their son, Asriel, wouldn't feel lonely.

" See ya next time!" The monster behind the counter said, acting all sweet. But behind that mask, was nothing but pure cruelty. The sound of the bell caught everyone's attention,  the bitties being scared while the owner greets them." I'm lookin' for a bitty that's chill and likes memes bruh."" Ah, Epic. Our favourite meme lord, please give me a sec." The owner went to the cage at the very back of the hallway, picking it up and bringing it to the desk." This is Y/n. They might not talk but they sure are chill and absolutely loves memes. So far, this is the only bitty that loves memes." Epic got a closer look at the bitty. They weren't in great shape. They were skinny, pale and looked like they lacked any sleep. They had to be very ill. It's a miracle that they were still alive." Doesn't look like it to me. They look sick."" Ugh, I thought I told Dan and Angela to feed them. I'm sorry, I'll keep loo-" Epic got out the amount of gold he needed to buy the bitty, put it on the counter, opened the cage, grabbed the bitty and teleported away." I forgot to tell him that they paralyzed. Meh, why should I care?"

" Stay away from me!"" Bruh! Calm down-"" Stay away from me! I don't like you!" When Epic got back home, the bitty bit his hand and was dropped on the couch by Epic." Why don't you move your legs bruh?" They froze, fear shooting throughout their body like a wildfire." Or is it because you're paralyzed?" They flinched at the word paralyzed." Come on bruh, I just want to help." Could they trust this monster? Would he eat them? If he ate them, would he let them out?" Fine..." Epic gently picked them up and brought them closer to his mouth. He opened his maw and the bitty immediately panicked, flashbacks of their friends being eaten and chewed up flashed in their head. Their brain went on autopilot as everything was a blur. They shouldn't have trusted him! They're all the same!" Bruh? You okay?" The voice of Epic rang in their ears. They were about to yell when they realized that there was no acid. They rubbed their eyes to make sure that their eyes weren't playing tricks with them. Nothing, no stomach acid, nothing." Bruh?" The shifted a bit, letting Epic know that they were okay." Heh, thought you blacked out or something bruh." They didn't reply, instead, they closed their eyes for the first time in 1 week. The urge to sleep finally got to them.

Epic had the same idea and went to sleep aswell, too tired to do some memes.

The End

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