Omnipotent and Gradient

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Omnipotent requested by: ultimastarwolfie1264.

It was just a normal day until," Hello y/n-chan~" You knew exactly who it was." What do you want now?" Y/n asked, getting his full attention. You see, the male that she was talking to was Omnipotent!Sans." You know exactly what I want, don't you?~" he asked. Y/n's face went from annoyed to the colour of a cherry." Omnipotent, no! You will not eat me on a hot day like this. I'll die from a heatstroke!" Y/n said, getting another cold glass of ice cold water." I'm cold though~" he said, trying to persuade the being infront of him getting eaten by him. Let me tell you a secret, he has better control of the temperatures in his ecto stomach then any Sans." My answer is still n- woah!" Y/n said before getting cut off when Omnipotent grabbed them by their legs and held them upside down." Don't worry~ you'll stay cool in my stomach~" he said before opening his mouth and shoved their head in his maw. All Y/n did was struggle a bit before feeling the cool temperature of his maw." He didn't lie when he said that he'll keep me cool." They thought, relaxing slightly. Omnipotent suddenly shoved them deeper into his throat, their head chest-deep and their arms tucked to their sides. This kept up for a few minutes before Y/n was fully in his ecto stomach, the inside of the monsters' gut was the perfect temperature." Sleep well~" he said, grabbing the TV remote and put on a fucking horror movie, letting Y/n rest for the first time this week.

Gradient requested by: Ajg2007

It was a beautiful day outside
Birds are singing
Flowers are blooming
On days like these
Friends like you

Should really stop forcing Gradient to eat you. Seriously, that poor bean has sweat forming on his skull. Yes, you were currently in his stomach while he was confused about why you liked it in there. The only answers are,'It's nice' or 'I don't know'. Give him a break. Heck, even PJ is starting to worry about your mental health and stability.

Hope you enjoyed. Bye~

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