Bill Sans

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Requested by Blastercraters. They kept on requesting this to the point I couldn't handle it anymore and made a chapter since I was motivated. Hope you enjoy.

A long sigh escaped a certain skeleton, one that was feared by the Pines family who was always on alert and trying to get rid of him. Though, there were two kids that saw him as a brother figure. Y/n and Frisk, the only people in the world who saw him in a different view.

" Bill!" The sudden voice snapped him out of his thoughts, a smile crept on his skull. Not the fake and evil smile he always wore, the kind and warm smile a mother would give to her children." Ah, my two favourite puppets in the world!" He teased, using the word 'puppets' made them both look at him with playful glares." We're not puppets! We're your puppets!" Frisk spoke, a cheesy smile crept on their face. Y/n was, well, how do I say this? They were not the talkative type, they were more the silent type, talking only if spoken to." Ok, ok. You're MY puppets." Frisk giggled and hugged him, Bill returning the gesture." C'mon Y/n!" Frisk pulled Y/n in the embrace, causing them to squeak in surprise. They all laughed together like a family, Bill being the more... smug type." Who wants to play hide n seek?" Frisk kept on saying 'me' while Y/n stayed silent." Y/n?" Y/n looked him in the sockets." I don't mind to tag along..." Bill smiled at that, glad that Y/n spoke and that they would play." You guys go hide while I count to 30, deal?" He did not realize what he said before it was too late." WHO SUMMONED ME?""AHHHH!"

Technical difficulties

They all started the game, Bill counting while the two young children went to hide.

" 30! Ready or not here I come!" Bill shouted, floating in the air like the demon he is. He really wanted to find them so that he could take them stargazing tonight, seeing as there would be shooting stars." Stop right there, Bill!" The familiar voice of Gruncle Ford boomed, loud and clear to the point it made Bill internally groan." I will not let you go near those kids!" Grunkle Stan stepped in, the memory gun in hand. And then there's Chara, the other child that played dumb with the Grunkles." Wait, who is he again?" Both Grunkles turned around in worry, giving Bill enough time to escape.

Bill was grateful for Chara's distraction, he owes her chocolates for that. Now, he had to get Frisk and Y/n then get the heck out of here. It wasn't long before he found both of them in a tree, giving him a good laugh before helping them down." Now that I found you, le-" A blood curdling scream escaped Frisk as a gun went off, the bullet lodged in hee arm." Frisk! I'm so sor-" Bill teleported away with Frisk, panic rise in Y/n as Gruncle Ford approached." Hey, hey, hey! Everything is going to be alright! We'll get you somewhere safe from that Dream Demon and get Frisk back. How does that sound?" Before Y/n could reply, a familiar skeletal hand grabbed them by the shoulder before dragging them in a portal, both Grunkles screamed while Chara gave both of them a wink and played along.

You looked around but didn't see Frisk anywhere in sight." Where's Frisk?" Bill started to sweat." W-well um, you see I-"" I'm here!" Frisk's muffled reply came from Bill's middle, Y/n's eyes grew wide." Y- you-"" Yes, I did..." He couldn't look them in the eyes anymore,  guilt gnawing at him." C-can I-I j-join t-t-them?" They stuttered, taking Bill by surprise." Are you sure?" They nodded their head up and down, making Bill take a deep breath, despite not having any lungs." Okay, let's get to it then." He said before looking them in the eyes.

Frisk and Y/n slept inside Bill, his hand over his middle where his family rested, protected from any dangers. He was glad that he has a family like them, Chara being also part of the family but stayed with the Gruncles most of the time. He got up and went to the forest where he would meet the red-eyed girl, preparing to take them in aswell.

" How are they in there?" The red-eyed child asked, seeming to want to join them aswell." They're sleeping. Frisk is healing in there while Y/n wanted to be with them. I can tell you want to join." Bill lifted a brow, a smug grin plastered on his skull while his sockets were half-lidded." Yes..." They responded. Bill chuckled before lifting them up and shrunk them, using his magic to place them in his maw before swallowing. He was aware of the fact that a familiar wolf was watching." You can come out now, Deal." He said before a humanoid wolf stepped out, their small demon wings sticking out. To be honest, she looked exactly like him but her style was way different than his." So, I'm guessing that the three of them is in there?" She pointed at his middle." Yes, now, go and play with your kids-"" They're sleeping in my pouch." She interrupted. A silent 'oh' left his mouth.

In the end, Bill and his family went Star gazing, not knowing that it would be the last time.

Bill was turned to stone, all three were sad that their brother figure was stone. They visited each day to chat with him, knowing that he could hear them talk to his stone imprisoned form.

The End

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