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Requested by UndertaleAUS101. Also based off of a dream had. Enjoy!

Every night, he couldn't get enough of pitying the girl that always had to suffer from the fighting between her parents.

Nightmare, a feared being made out of negativity, pitied a human. He didn't know why nor did he know how but, he felt like both of them were almost the same. He got bullied fir being a negative guardian while the girl had to deal with the shouts of her parents. The girl cried, radiating negativity that would fuel him for months! Yet, it made him feel weak in a way. He told his gang to not destroy the au with the girl.'What was her name again? Ah, ot was Y/n.' He thought as he looked at the girl from the shadows, almost like he was stalking her. Maybe, maybe they would both meet each other in person in one of her dreams, the one place she could calm herself and run away from her worries.' We'll meet soon, Y/n.' He thought before disappearing in the shadows, arriving at his castle, his home.

' Why couldn't they stop?!' A girl thought, using her hands to try and block out the shouts of her parents.' Don't they care about my feelings? Do they not notice me? Don't they want me to be happy?' Negative thoughts swarmed in her mind, causing her to start tearing up. Without her knowing, she fell asleep from all the crying.

" Hey." She opened her eyes in her dream, seeing a goopy skeleton." OCTOPUS!" She screamed before backing away, too scared to get near the skeleton." Wow, a great first impression." The sarcasm in his voice made her shiver. Not in an uncomfortable or comfortable way, more like it was luring her." So," He broke the silence." let me introduce myself. I'm Nightmare, King of negativity and guardian of the tree of feelings." Tree of feelings? Where did she hear that before? Oh yeah! The tale of the two brothers from Dreamtale!" Don't leave me hanging." When he said that, a tree formed next to him with something hanging from it. She couldn't help but start to shake from holding in her laugh, closing her eyes in the proses." What? Not punny enough?" Although he hated puns, he was glad to have made her stiffle some laughter. The girl burst out laughing, the laughter shocking him. He never saw her laugh, not after hearing the shouts and insults from her parents." That was tear-able!" She said between laughs, catching him off guard before he started chuckling." Now, do you mind telling me your name?"" I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." She introduced, not aware of what was happening outside.

" Y/N!" A woman shouted, her voice filled with hatred and venom. She received no answer, anger radiated off of her.' That b-' she just ignored the lack of response and went out of the house, probably to get drunk or something.

" I ha-" He paused seeing Y/n look tired in her dream. How it was possible was beyond him." Well, I'll see you soon." He waited for the right time to 'strike'. Seeing her close her eyes, waiting a few minutes and making sure she was asleep, he used this dream to turn him twenty times the size he originally was and picked her up. He knew that, whatever happened in the dreams, happened in real life. He summoned a crop in hid chest, almost the same thing as a pouch but just inside his body. Slowly opening his maw and placed her inside, trapping her in his maw. He swallowed her once before letting her slip down his throat, not swallowing her again even when the urge it itched him to do so.

The trip for his passenger was relatively short to arrive in his crop. He chuckled before going back to the real world, the girl still small and in his crop. His magic will comfort her and relax her muscles. Heh, maybe, he could ask her to join the gang.

The End

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