King Multiverse

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I don't know anything about King Multiverse so I googled about him. Turns out that there is not much information about him aswell.

King Multiverse was bored and did not know what to do. He wanted to give Error 404 a task but didn't know what task to give him though. That's when he heard it, a child's cry. He was so surprised that he fell on his ass. He was so confused about the sudden noise. He stood up and went towards the noise. He stopped dead in his tracks, sockets widen and he was stiff. There, on the ground, was a child. You stopped crying when you saw King Multiverse. You are 7 years old and you still love monsters like King Multiverse here himself. You began giggling and made grabbing motions at him. He hesitantly picked you up and held you. You were smaller than him so he carried you with one arm. You were so cute that he awed at your cuteness but he had to protect you. He opened his mouth and licked your check. You squeeled and laughed as it tickled you alot. He put your head in his mouth expecting you to struggle. You didn't struggle or squirm but just squeeled and laughed. You were weird but fun and cute! He shoved you further into his maw and your head was in his gullet. You kept on squeeling while he shoved you further into his throat. He was finally by your feet and pushed them in his maw. He closed his mouth and took the very first gulp since you were smaller than him. You slid down his gullet into his awaiting stomach. You reached his stomach and you pressed your hands against his stomach walls, not expecting a reaction from him. You were surprised when you felt a large hand pressed against your tiny hands. You yawned and made yourself comfortable against his stomach walls before going to sleep.

The End

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