Dragon! Nightmare

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Requested by no one. By the way, Nightmare will have a pouch, much like a kangaroo's pouch. Credit to SketchSanss for the original idea. Although theirs is an fgod! Error concept. Enjoy!

Nightmare watched as Dream, his skeleton brother, play with the human. It didn't matter where he moved, the human would always find them.

" Can't catch me!" Y/n giggled as they ran away from Dream in circles." Yes I am!" Nightmare didn't trust the human one bit, thinking that they would harm Dream." EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP." Nightmare immediately opened his wings, ready to fly and grab his brother until," E-EH?! IS THAT A COCKROACH?!" They screamed? Because of a cockroach? Folding his wings once more, he slightly relaxed.

Hours went by before thunder roared in the sky." I have to get home... sorry Dream..." Y/n smiled sadly at Dream." It's okay! We can play tomorrow!" Y/n slightly frowned for a split second before smiling once more." Sorry Dream... I have to help my family with their chores and shops." The tone they used raised suspicion in Nightmare. Even if he never met them in person, he had a bad feeling gnawing in his gut." Oh! Maybe the day after?"

Nightmare observed their posture and body language. They seemed... scared and nervous? Do they have a crush on HIS brother? He slightly glared at the human as they told Dream an excuse before leaving, seeming to be in a rush." Awww.... I forgot to ask their name again!" Dream pouted, stomping his foot to the ground before crossing his arms.

Nightmare landed behind Dream, his majestic wings shading Dream from the harsh rain." You can ask them next time, dear brother." He saw his brother's shoulders slump, a sad sigh leaving his mouth." I guess... you have a point..." He hated that sad face, he hated the fact that he still cared about his brother after almost 500 years." Don't be sad!" He pulled the golden clad skeleton close to his broad chest, hugging him." I'll try to talk to them- convince them to come and play with you till sunset!" That seemed to cheer him up." Yay! Thank you brother!"" You're welcome, Dream. Now, get in my pouch so we can go to our cave." Dream smiled slightly before doing as told, climbing into the sack by Nightmare's stomach.

Nightmare took off into the sky, wings stiff from sitting on his ass and not flying for almost the whole day, too protective to leave Dream alone with that human.


" WHY DIDN'T YOU GO STEAL DREAM'S BROTHER'S HOARD?! YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT!" Y/n's sister yelled, a knife in hand while her face showed nothing more than fury." W-w-wait!" But, it was too late, Y/n's sister slashed their legs before leaving, slamming the door shut and left them to bleed." D-dream... h-help m-me..." Their (f/c) orbs were half lidded before the world turned to darkness.


Y/n woke up to see that they were bandaged, knowing that their brother might have bandaged their legs." Save me from this hell... please..." Tears poured like a waterfall.


A wave of negativity awoke Nightmare, his lone eye socket opening. He lifted his skull and looked at the entrance of the cave as smoke left his nasal cavity. The negativity felt familiar- his eyelight widened, standing up with Dream still in his pouch.

He started to walk to the entrance, pouch opening slightly tightened before he took flight, following the negativity to the owner. If it was the person who he thought it was- he could show Dream the true nature of them.


Y/n cried, legs in pain and burning from all the crawling they did. They witnessed their brother get murdered by their very own sister, a murderous glint casted over her face." God, please, send someone to save me..." They heard the beating of wings and something heavy land infront of them before passing out, allowing darkness to swallow them.


Nightmare was shocked to see the very human from 7 hours ago had cut legs and a lot of dirt on them. He really thought that they were full of greed and-" What are you hiding, human." He snarled, eye light squinted to glare at the still figure." Y/N! YOU PIECE OF SHIT! WHERE ARE YOU, YOU STUPID BITCH!" Nightmare was slightly startled by the swearing, taking note of how corrupted their SOUL was. It was filthy, full of greed and murder.

He took a glance at the passed out human before sighing,grabbing the human by the back of their shirt and opened his wings and took off into the air. He had to clean them first before storing them in his storage stomach.


He found a small pond to wash off the human, not liking how all the dirt got onto his jaws. Slowly, he lowered them into the small pond, the cold water against their skin caused them to shoot awake, not screaming but just freezing in place? To be honest, he kinda liked them, his cold SOUL feeling fuzzy and warm. The same feeling when he is around Dream.

Nightmare let go of their shirt, putting his muzzle in the water to clean off the dirt." Human, may I ask what you were doing halfway in the middle of my territory?" They froze, eyes wide and lips a straight line, as if they saw a ghost. He immediately felt the fear and sadness radiate off their SOUL. If it weren't for his lie detecting skills, he would of believed the lie they said." I took a stroll and somehow got lost. I somehow cut myself with sharp rocks." He never had sharp rocks in his territory, only harmless round rocks. Yet, he masked up his suspicion with a face of believe." Well then, do you know anything about dragon atonamy?" He was so st-" Yes? Why?"

Y/n watched the other lean his skull to their eye level." Do you know about a crop/ storage stomach?" His tone was serious, unlike anything Y/n has ever heard." Yes?" The fear in their eyes were visible, a rat gnawing at their stomach." Well then, I don't have much to explain!" Without another word, they were engulfed by a black maw, fear grasping their nerves like a zombie holding its victim.


Nightmare tilted his skull, allowing the human to slide into his throat before gulping, sending them to his crop. If his pouch were anywhere near his pouch where Dream was sleeping: he'd most likely wake up from the sudden weight. Still, he felt sympathy for the human.

He felt them struggle in his crop. He didn't mind it at all. After all: he didn't want to upset Dream. Sighing once more, he took off into the sky, heading back to their cave to rest. Maybe, maybe the human wasn't that bad. Maybe they went through the same fate as him, albeit the fact that it was a bit different. No matter, he'll do anything for his brother and the human.

The End
No part two

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