Passive Nightmare

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I'm gonna use this song because I love it and I think that this fits perfectly with the chapter! Enjoy.

" Nighty!" A bitty exclaimed to a purple clad skeleton named Nightmare. Their (f/c) eyelights and clothing looking exactly like what Nightmare wore but only being (f/c)."Yes, Y/n?" Nightmare asked, picking the fragile human up." Can you read me a bedtime story? Please?" They asked, nervousness evident in their voice." Of course, I would love to read you a bedtime story." He said. He held out his one hand and a book teleported right in his hand. He brought to his lap and opened on the first page, beginning to read the page.

After he read the page, you asked him something that he doesn't do often." Nighty? Can you promise me something?" You asked. He hesitantly answered, never promised anything to anyone- except for his brother." I will try..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck." Can you promise me that you will never leave our side?" You said, thinking that it was a really dumb request." I promise!" He said holding out his pinky out to ceal the deal. You used your adorable pinky to also ceal the deal." Yay!" You exclaimed.

" EAT IT YOU FREAK! I DARE YOU!" The villagers shouted. You were held by one of the villagers too tight for your liking while the other two held Dream back from protecting his brother. Nightmare held a black apple in his hand, he had enough confidence to grab you out of the grip the villagers had on you. He pretended to put you in his pocket but held you in his hand that looked like a fist. One of the villagers punched his jaw, causing him to use his hand that held you in it and stuffed you in his mouth. You landed in his mouth and tried to climb back out but he closed his mouth faster than you could escape. You were in fear before he swallowed you. You screamed in horror but since there was a lot of shouting, it was hard to hear your scream. You reached his stomach and tried to fight your way out. Thank goodness you were in his stomach because the villagers started to punch his sides, probably trying to kill you. The pressure was too much and he took a bite of the apple. The piece of it also landing in his stomach right infront of you. The pain was so much that Nightmare regretted it but then he remembered the promise he made with you. He let the substance consume him, his stomach turning goopy and tendrils formed from the tar and created a barrier around you as if protecting you from the goop that started to rise. After a few minutes, the tendrils disappeared and the goop stuck to your attire. You could hear the screams of agony from the villagers that were being slaughtered. You couldn't hear anything when Dream took the last apple and turned into stone. Nightmare still being aware of the promise and you being in his stomach. He sighed before opening a portal to an abandoned au and created the castle that he now lives in.

The End

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