Lemon! Dream

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Requested by no one! Also, I'm gonna make this a sibling chapter. Come to me if you want to start trouble, I'll have a 'lovely' chat with you... Anyways, enjoy

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!" You were dead, as dead as a skeleton in a grave- nvm! You see, you accidentally dropped your brother's favorite mug. You ran and hid underneath your bed, being scared of what he was going to do to you." Y/n~ Where are you?" He sounded calm which means that he was REALLY mad, tears began to form in your eyes. He sensed your fear and distress, feeling a bit sad but still mad about what you did to his favorite mug." Y/n?" No response, making him start to panic. He started to look around the house, glad once he saw that you just passed out from the overwhelming stress you felt. Him being the brother that couldn't stay mad at you, wrapped a yellow tendril around your waist and pulled you close to his chest while he retracted his tendrils. You smelled the scent of lemons but didn't think much about it before you heard hid voice." Guess you'll have yo sleep in my stomach tonight..." Hearing this made you slightly nervous but mostly excited, Lemon not sensing your positive aura. He opened his mouth and stuffed your head in his warm maw, making you almost forget about the mug incident. Another push before the first gulp was heard, surprising you and pulling your shoulders in his throat. He swallowed again and again to the point that he swallowed you, causing you to start making your entrance in his stomach." Sweet dreams, sister~" he patted his stomach before going to bed and fell asleep, not aware that you started to fall asleep at four in the morning.

" YOU WHAT?!" You trembled slightly, nervous after you got awoken at seven in the morning." I'm sorry brother! You know I struggle to sleep!" You tried to tell him about your problem sleeping five days ago, seeming to convince him." That is no excuse! You're going back to bed and no buts!" You loved your brother and all but, he is too overprotective.

In the end, you started to take medication for your sleeping problem.

The End

No part two! Bye~

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