Gaster Blaster!Sans

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You got bullied at school but, today was different. They dragged you all the way to Mount Ebott." Monsters aren't real! Y/n is going to show us!" Bully #1 said and they all laughed and they threw you in the hole. You didn't bother screaming because of the situation you were in. You fell until, black.

You woke up with pain jolting through your body. You groaned in pain and decided to lay down for a few minutes. When a few minutes past, you stood up with ease and looked up." Geez, I must've fallen around 100 ft underground.' you thought. You looked around and saw a purple door. You walked towards it and pushed it open. You saw a patch of grass with one golden flower. All of a sudden, it had a face." Hello, I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower." Flowey said. You then saw a glint of pity only for a second." Hello, I'm Y/n. Y/n the Human." You greeted. You outstretched your hand for him to shake but, instead of shaking your outstretched hand, he climbed on your arm and rested on your shoulder. You didn't care because you atleast have company. He told you the basics of the underground. He helped you solve puzzles and it was easy. You walked to a nice looking house and walked towards it. You knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a goat monster. She looked at you with a warm smile and let you inside.

You have stayed with Toriel for 3 days now and you asked her if you could leave. She gave you a sad smile." Of course, my child, as long as you are happy. But before you go, could you please promise me something?" She asked and you nodded. "Promise me that you will be safe, my child." She said and you smiled at her and gave her a hug. She gladly accepted it and hugged you back. You release from the hug, wave at Toriel and went downstairs. You reached the floor and walked further and saw two purple doors. You pushed them open to only be greeted by snow. You closed the door behind you and walked off into the distance. Your HP dropped to 19/20 because of the cold. You couldn't take it anymore and hugged yourself to keep yourself warm.

Blaster was walking towards the doors when he saw you. He walked towards you. You heard footsteps approaching you and you looked up to see a skeleton dog monster thing. He licked your face.' Warm' you thought. He lowered his head with his jaws wide open and put your head inside his jaws. He lifted you off the ground and swallowed you. You cried and Flowey was asleep. The monster kept swallowing you. You slid down his throat and into his 'pouch' as monsters called it. You screamed and it made Blaster flinch while Flowey slept peacefully from your screaming. Blaster put his paw on his stomach and stroked it. You were whimpering until you felt him stroke. You were confused. He kept stroking his stomach and you didn't say anything until you spoke." Please... I don't wanna die... I'm scared." You said. Blaster sighed and held his stomach with you safely tucked away in his pouch.


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