Lamia! Blue

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" Dream! Where are you?" A very angry yet colourful lamia asked." I'm in my room, I just need to put my clothes away then I'll come down stairs!" Dream said." Hurry up, I don't want to be late for my meeting!" Ink said." Mweh? Ink, what's going on?" A gorgeous baby blue Lamia asked Ink." Nothing, Blue. I'm just going to be late for the meeting with the creators and Error himself." The other replied calmly." Done!" A golden lamia said. That lamia is Dream, not much is known of him but all I could say is that he is adorable." Finally, we're going to be late if we don't go now." Ink exclaimed. They bid their goodbyes before going to the meeting, leaving Blue all alone in the cave. Blue is very energetic and kind, always there to help others who are in need of help. He decided to go visit the Bad Guys. They made a truce around three days ago, it was normal for anyone of the Start Sanses to visit them. He slithered out of the cave and went on his way, his long journey won't get itself done. There, he began his journey, in the dangerous forest.


" Fuck off you no brained Son of a Bitch." A very angry person said. It was none other than Y/n themself, running away from her abusive boyfriend who was Richard Burn. He tried to kill her this morning and she was running away from him for that very reason." Come back here!" He yelled furiously, trying to hit Y/n with the bat that he had with him. Them yelling in the forest attracted 7 skele-lamias who were nearby. Blue came out to see what was going on until he saw you running away from Richard. He was about to yell at your ex before Dust grabbed him and covered his mouth, muffling his furious language. Blue gave Dust a nod before going after you. The others on the other hand had plans for Richard, evil looks were on their faces. Blue on the other hand, found you passed out on the grass." Don't worry human! I'll keep you warm!" He said swallowing you whole, getting his saliva on your skin. It took a few minutes before your whole body was tucked away in his storage stomach. He then slithered back to the Star Sanses base, explained what happened before going back to his bed.

The End

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