Dreamswap! Dream

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Requested by AmeilaAfton. Hope you enjoy!

After years of being friends with Dream and Nightmare, Y/n didn't expect for Dream to want to rid of negativity. They couldn't bring themselves to even let on the fact that they- their best friends- weren't as close as they used to be.


" WHY DID YOU LET THEM ESCAPE?! ESPECIALLY THAT CRIMINAL OF A BROTHER!" Dream yelled, fury in his golden eyelights. He was frustrated, they knew that." I-"" You know what? You are fired." Mouth agape and eyes glistening with tears, Y/n stood up with shock before it turned into slight fury." Ok," The tone they used shocked him and Ink- even Blue," I am glad. All you care about is getting rid of negativity and not look at the signs," Blue seemed to sweat. Weird," I was gonna tell you that I was quitting anyways. So, good luck organizing your organization without me."

They left, each step they took was full of anger." I'd be dambed if that ever happened again." Blue spoke, his sickeningly 'innocent' grin turning into a frown." They were great to talk with... I guess that means no more talking..." Dream swore that he heard Blue hold back a sob.

" Boss?"" Please leave me alone so I can do my paperwork." Truthfully, it wasn't about the paperwork." But-" Dream glared at Ink, shutting him up completely, a silent message that only he understood." Alright, call me when you need me." He walked outside the office, Blue following in suit before stopping at the doorframe." You went to far, Dream. I might be a manipulative person and go far but that was just too far." Blue left, shutting the door with anger that Dream never knew about.

" What have I done?"


" That's so funny!" Y/n laughed, trying to not cry at the awful joke." It's not my fault that olive you!" Giggles and laughter filled the cozy home." Well, I think it's about time I get some rest. After all, it has been a long day for all four of us."" True."" I agree." Y/n stood up, dusting themselves off after standing up from the floor and heading their new bedroom.


" Y/n..." Y/n turned around, fury directed at Dream." Dream..." Their tone was sharp, just like his claymore." What do you want?" They hissed, anger clear as day." I'm sorry for kicking you out-"" Sorry? SORRY?!" Her voice raised at Dream, him shrinking in on himself slightly as his wings twitched." SORRY WON'T CUT IT, DREAM!


Y/n was swaying slightly, orbs tired and throat burning from their yelling.

Something wasn't right... Dream has been silent the whole time they yelled. A bit too silent for a very serious flying Skele that always wants to rid negativity to make the multiverse a 'happier' place.

Y/n looked up, seeing no Dream in sight or even a trace of him being ever there." Tch, dumb chicken." They commented, face scrunched up into a frown." It's rude to talk about someone behind their back while they are listening."" Dre-ack!" Giant phalanges plucked them off of the 'ground', lifting them up into the air and infront of a massive skull with golden eye sockets." Dream! You let me go this instant! Or else!"

It was amusing to see Y/n struggle, yet it was also filling him with guilt. He should have realized sooner about the balance. He should of realized the purpose of negativity. He felt stupid- he felt like shit." It will be over soon." His guilt rose to an impossible amount." What the he- NONONONONO!" He opened his maw and quickly shut after they were thrown in, not giving Y/n enough time to try and escape before swallowing." DRRRREeeeeeaaaaam-" Their voice got softer and softer as they descended to their destination, struggles being nothing more than a nuisance.


Y/n struggled after they entered the dimly lit chamber, saliva dripped from the ceiling and spread everywhere." Heh, guess I got the upper hand now." They heard him slightly chuckle, not picking up that it was forced." LET ME OUT!" Their yells made them cough slightly, raw from the previous yelling session as they felt their vocal cords burn with each cough." It's futile to scream for someone to save your life," He had a point there," and the fact that you are destroying your vocal cords by yelling after an hours worth of yelling won't do wonders for your throat." His voice was starting to fall on deaf ears as Y/n felt the positive aura around them do its trick.

" Sleep well, Y/n"" LET THEM FO YOU CHICKEN!"" Shoot-"

The End

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