Wolf! Nightmare

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You are a 9-year-old child who was hungry, tired, scared and cold. You could barely walk. What's worse is that you've been attacked by a bear. You just wanted to take a break but you couldn't because of the adrenaline that pumped in your bloodstream. You made it to a cave and that is when your adrenaline stopped. You collapsed to the ground, vision blurry and your sleepiness getting to you. You couldn't let sleep take over! You lost alot of blood but pushed forward. You got back up and left the cave, unaware of seven wolves watching you. They heard how cruel humans could be. This made four of them growl lowly so that you couldn't hear it. Dream, Ink and blue thought differently about you, you just seemed kind and scared. You were just a child for crying out loud! Error saw your injured leg and how scared you looked. He smirked and ran out of the bush right infront of you. You let out a loud yelp before the other six wolves came out. You were scratched by the black and glitchy one on your right eye. The four growled at you while the other three whimpered and gave you sympathy. That's when you saw something pitch black move behind the four skeletons. They growled before lowering their heads. There, walking up to you, was a wolf darker than the other one itself with cyan eyes. It growled at your appearance before circling you. Your vision began to blur. You lost alot of blood and, without warning, you fell forward and passed out. Your blood made the the wolf known as Horror go crazy. Nightmare growled at him to show dominance. Horror obeyed and backed off. Nightmare turned his gaze back to you. He saw something on your wrist and got closer, sniffing your wrist. When he recognised your scent, he showed no emotion on the outside but he was guilty on the inside." She died. Go and hunt with the others, I'll eat my share." Nightmare said. The others were about to say something before their mates distracted them by pulling on them, all except for one. Dream." Honey, is that...?" Dream began to tear up." It is, our little girl is home." He said." Oh our poor, little girl. What have they done to you?" Dream said. Nightmare began to transform into his monster form, so did Dream. They both began healing you." How are we going to hide her? We can't walk in and say,' This is our daughter that you almost killed!' What are we going to do!?" Dream said starting to panic until he had an idea. He looked at his mate with the 'You-thinking-what-I'm-thinking' face." Yes, I know what you're thinking. My answer is no!" Nightmare replied back. Dream turned into his wolf form and did puppy eyes. Nightmare kept on declining before he reluctantly agreed."Fine!" He said. He turned into his wolf form." Go back to our den. I'll meet you in our room." Nightmare said while Dream did as told. Nightmare looked back at you before licking the remaining blood off your wounds. After that did he begin opening his jaws and clamping them around your head. He was trying to be careful with you because of his sharp canines. He then shoved you further into his throat before taking the first gulp. It pulled your whole torso in his jaws. He made fast work on you because of how cold it was getting. After getting your whole body inside his throat, he swallowed you. It took about five seconds before you entered his gut, tucked away in the warm and comfy walls. Then he began his journey back to the den.


You learned that the you were the daughter of the Alpha wolves, Nightmare and Dream. The whole pack was shocked. You might be wondering,"Where is Cross?" Well, he was watching over the pups. You loved your family.


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