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This is a redo since jacobsenhalees asked for it. I'll try to do some kinky stuff even tho I don't know how to write it. I'm gonna do it differently than my previous chapter. Sorry if it was not what you wanted. I hope you enjoy!

You fell in the underground, a land where lustful monsters lived. You met Lust and you both bonded right away, even if you were annoying, he still cared about you. But, you started noticing that he acted more kinky around you. This put you on alert, not wanting to have 'fun' and loose your- you know what I mean. He started to flirt with you before it became to him touching you more frequently than you liked.

You were exhausted from working at Grillby's, Grillby himself was tired as well. All the monsters tried to persuade you to have 'fun', but you simply said no. Flopping yourself on the couch, you relaxed all your muscles. The thought of going to sleep filled your mind and, you did.

Lust came back from the Ruins and saw you on the couch, sleeping. He smirked, his eyelight began to flow with magic. You shrunk, still sleeping and unaware of the situation. He walked to the couch and picked you up. He wanted to protect you from G, his friend who won't give you any mercy. He opened his maw and shoved you in, wanting to get this over with.

When you woke up, he told you where you were which you were scared at first but got mad when he said that he was feeling hungry. He did let you out and you literally slapped him across his face, he said he deserved it.

The End

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