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Not a request. I wanted to insert myself because I am also technically a reader, though, I consider myself more of a writer.... Let's just start. Also, quick note: This takes place in Sciencetale, btw. The reason why the chapter is ??? is because you'll be surprised of who I am using... Maybe.

Snarls rang through the corridors of the lab as people tested on the creature. It was an unpleasant sound to be heard amongst the men in lab coats.

" How do we control this thing?!" Scientist one spoke as he held a stick towards the experiment, their brown fading to purple wolf tail aggressively swinging from side to side." Don't know. If we want to use it against the experiment #207, then we better act fast." The other responded, watching the yellow orbs glaring at them, right into their soul." We better find a way to control it, and fast." It was like a demand, one that the experiment was all too familiar with. They growled lowly, a warning growl. The scientists knew that." Let's just back away, slowly." One wrong move and it would aggravate the experiment. Each step was cautious, they knew that if they turned their back: it wouldn't end well.

The experiment flicked their ear in agitation, waiting to just pounce on the once that harmed them. However, luck wasn't on their side." We'll start experimenting the next day." The experiment allowed their growl to be heard, not hesitating." Shut it you disgusting beast!" The intercom burst to life, the whole building shook." Let's go before it growls again." One of the scientist tried to calm down the raging one, the one scientist the experiment trusted the most." Fine, Sans. But don't think that it will be lucky next time." The gruff voice grunted before the sound of footsteps fading filled their ears." How unbelievable, treating our experiments with such hate. Anyways, are you alright April?" 'Sans' asked 'April' whom was the experiment."* Whimper*" The experiment whimpered, the only way to show their worry." I know, I know. I'll let Frisk know that you want to see her right away." Sans walked away, leaving the experiment on their own.

Minutes went by before a small child entered the chamber where April resided in." Hi April!" The child greeted, a large smile plastered on their face." F-fr-is-k!" April spoke, voice broken as they embraced their friend." Yes! It's Frisk!" The child giggled at how the experiment gave her affection before-" EVACUATE! I REPEAT! EVACUATE THE LAB! TWO MONSTERS- AAAAH!" Red lights flashed. The alarm." FRISK!"" SANS!" Sans entered and took Frisk with him, aswell as April." RUN!" Sans pushed the doors open, allowing the two to escape." NO!" Frisk was grabbed by April as they ran, tears falling down their cheeks as they remembered with Sans." AAAAH!" That was Sans' scream.

Frisk cried after hearing that scream, gasping when she was placed onto solid ground." I-I-'ll b-b-e b-b-ba-ck." They turned around and-" APRIL! NO!" Frisk tried to go after them, only to realize that Sans was running towards her." SANS!"" Frisk! Where is April?!" Frisk hugged Sans." They went back to the lab..." Sans muttered something before teleporting to the Star Sanses.


April walked through the corridors, bodies of scientist everywhere they went." They deserved it." A voice spoke, their voice sounded like-" Oh come on Righteous!" That sounded like Ink, only he sounded more... hollow?" Hollow. We are supposed to grab the entity that isn't from this world. Just like 404 said." Error404?! They took a step back, only stepping on some unstable rubble." Did ya hear that?"" Yeah... I heard it... Someone survived..." Hollow said.

Righteous! Error and Hollow! Ink moved towards the sound, hearing non-human breathing." GOTCHA!" They jumped infront of... nothing?" What?" They were confused before something sharp hit Hollow in the ribs." SHIT!"

April watched as both new Sans' blindly attacked, their guards now up." Leave this place." Their voice changed to that of a dark one." Show yourself!" Righteous yelled, rage radiating off of him." Why do you think I am hiding when I am in such an obvious spot?" Tone went from dark to high pitched in an incredible way that the two skeletons were surprised." Stop hiding and fight us!" Hollow looked like the fighting type. Perfect." As you wish." They uncloaked themselves, standing right above them." WHERE ARE YOU?!"" Look up~" They looked up, only to be met with red orbs." You-" April grinned, their canines showing." I what?"" Hollow took a glance at Righteous who nodded, seeming to understand what Hollow said. April watched carefully, guard up for incase they-" Agh!" They were tied in red strings." Hmmm~" They smirked, seeming to mock April." I thought that 404 said that they would be stronger. Seems like they are we-"" YOU DARE TO INSULT ME?!" They struggled before wings and- oh Asgore!" Never judge a book by its cover!" And they broke free, engaging in battle.


April panted, tired out from their battle against the two Gods." Tired already? But we just started~" They taunted them, they knew that.

They were about to go in for another blow when they were stopped by an inked hand." G! Ink, perfect timing." April watched as the newcomer walked to Hollow with G! Error, pupils dilated to focus." Why do I always have to be there to help?" He sighed, turning to glance at April, only to flinch at the beard teeth." Wow! She looks so cool!" The smaller Error assumed their gender! He just assumed their gender." YOU WILL PAY FOR ASSUMING MY GENDER!" Even if they tried, they couldn't break free like last time." Eeeek!"

They brought the wolf creature to the one and only Error404." Ah, thank you for bringing them!" After that, they left." What do you want you good for nothing!"" Ouch, right into my non-existent soul!" He was dramatic." But, let's get straight to the point." He sat down on the 'floor'." I need your help with tracking down Nightmare! Error." April listened, their attention on him." And how do you suppose that me, an experiment, is supposed to help you find one of your creations?" The next words taunted them." Because you don't belong in my Multiverse, do you?" " Fine, I'll help you..." They growled softly before beginning their search.


It was chaos when NightError was found by April. He saw them, taking it as an opportunity to get something... tasty... In short: He was hungry.

" LET ME GO!" They yelled, legs in the maw of the skeleton who just kept on swallowing them. He chuckled, gulping faster til only their shoulders were left." NO-" Their head was left after he swallowed again. He enjoyed this, he enjoyed this a lot. With one final swallow, he used his phalange to trace them down to his stomach. Strangely enough, the didn't struggle when they entered." It was nice to eat ya, but I'm afraid that I can't enjoy keeping you in there~" He teased.

April was exhausted, mentally and physically. They knew that it was useless to fight, as it would cause him pleasure. Without a word, they closed their yellow orbs, sleep slowly taking over their being before being completely in a deep slumber.

The End

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