Gift for DarkSkele

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It was the day that Nightmare oh so waited for, the day he would do something to make DarkSkele happy. So, he waited for his dear friend to come help him. His old friend was none other than The Destroyer of Aus himself, Error. He had more experiences than Nightmare which is to swallow a person whole. Nightmare just couldn't wait to do this for the first time. Nightmare only ate Dream whole once and it was not very pleasant to the both of them but it was peaceful. Error on the other hand, does this all the time to his lover, Ink Comyet.

Error arrived and told Nightmare the basics of how it worked before leaving. It wasn't even a second before he went to DarkSkele's room, feeling strong negative emotions. He opened the door and was met by DarkSkele hugging him. Nightmare sighed shakily before ingulfing his head, DarkSkele, which earned a surprised yelp from him.

They were now chilling on the couch, DarkSkele in Nightmare's stomach and the other had his arm on his stomach, protectively.


If you ever felt down, DarkSkele then this boy sure knows how to cheer you up. This just happened to be one of those days. DarkSkele was upset, laying down on one of the hammocks Error made. Error came back to only see DarkSkele in one of the hammocks that he made. He shrugged it off and aimlessly pulled DarkSkele, with his strings, into his maw." E-error!? What are you d-" DarkSkele began to say before he got swallowed by the Destroyer. Since then, he swallowed DarkSkele to comfort him

Hope you enjoyed your special chapter DarkSkele. It might be done sloppily but I was starting to feel sleepy... Bye!

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