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Sans was flying around in his full dragon form. He was so into flying that he didn't realise that you were falling. He snapped out of his trance when he saw you falling and dived down after you. Once you saw him, you screamed with tears visible in your eyes. He stretched all four of his legs out to catch you. He cought you and spread his wings out. He flapped them a few times going upwards while holding you securely in his grip. He flew away from his house and headed towards the mountain. He lowered himself and put you down gently on the floor before landing himself. He turned to his normal form, out of breath. He took a good look at you and his eyesockets went wide. Right before him was a dragon thought to be extinct, a Lightfury. He saw that your wing was broken and you couldn't move it, at all! He approached you slowly so that he didn't look intimating. You saw this and growled. You were in your human form with your tail and wings, by the way. You were smaller than him and you were only a year old. You tried standing up to only fall over on your good wing. He saw this and turned into his full dragon form. Your pupils went into slids and fired at him with no luck, not a single scratch on him. He was now right infront of you. You turned into your full form revealing small scars. You whimpered and your eyes went wide at what he did next. He opened his jaws and picked you up by your midsection in his mouth. He tossed you in the air with wide jaws. He caught you and closed his mouth around you, ingulfing your entire body except your tail. He took a gulp and your head was in his throat. He slurped your tail like a noodle and swallowed you sending you to his stomach. You struggled to only injure your broken wing and yelp because of the pain that your broken wing caused. You finally reached his stomach and started to roar in panick and fear. You tried clawing his stomach to only fail. You got tired and laid down like a cat. You whimpered."Shhhhh, you're safe. You're safe, calm down." Said Sans in a calm and a reasuring voice. You calmed down and slept. He opened his wings and flapped them a few times before he took off in the air with you safely in his gut.


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