Empireverse! Blue

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Keep running
Must get away

A small blur ran through the forest, arrows missing them by a hair. Y/n L/n, spy of the Sun Empire, was being chased by an angry group of citizens. How this happened? Well, they just walked and a drunk man tried to r*** them. They began running and the drunk man called his friends. Now that you know the reason, let's get back to where we were.

They were starting to loose their breathe, not able to keep running any longer.' Come on! Where are you!' They thought, running in zig zags. They ran into someone, the small 'oof' sound made it easy for them to recognize who they ran into." Dad! There's an angry group of citizens chasing me!" They said, their father looking a bit mad." What did you do to make them mad?"" All I did was say no to a drunk man who wanted to have fun with me and tried to walk away, next thing I knew; he called all his friends and they started chasing me." They explained to their father, obviously telling the truth." I'll let this one slide but next time, don't think you'll be so lucky." They just nodded their head before angry shouts were heard." C'mon, let's get you somewhere safe." Before they knew it, they were shrunken to the size of a palm." D-dad?! W-what a-are y-y-you d-doing?!" They asked but their father didn't answer, instead, he shoved them in his mouth and swallowed. They struggled, obviously not knowing that their dad was helping them. The angry group of citizens came and saw him.

He drove them away, not wanting them to come close to his daughter." From now on, you're staying in there when you're in trouble." He heard them pout, not caring but had a playful smile on his skull.

" Blue! I saw what happened, are they ok?" Ink asked, asking billions of questions until Dream stepped in." Calm down, Ink. I'm sure Y/n is ok." Ink breathed in and out before going back to, whatever he was doing.

The End

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