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You were just a child, not just any child, though. You are the sister of Omnipotent, the most strict one amongst all the outcast. They all take turns to take care of you. To be honest, you liked Error 404 and Sona more because they taught you new things and showed you the multiverses and aus. You liked Fatal Error because he acts like a father to you. Omnipotent is obviously your brother and you loved him alot. You liked him more than the rest. They might be called cold-blooded killers when in reality, they also keep the balance and are really sweet once you get to know them. They are sweet and all but they are suuuuper overprotective. They don't even leave you alone without any of them coming with you.

Little did you know what the next day would bring.
You woke up by people whispering." Just get the prisoner and bring them to their au!" A glitchy voice said. You looked up and saw four skeletons. One was glitchy, one with a GIANT MOTHERFUCKING PAINTBRUSH, one with goop that looked like an octopus and one that wore bright yellow clothing. You crept closer to your brother.

Omnipotent woke up to you shaking him and from the whispering. His eyes went black and he woke up the rest of the group. Once they woke up, you heard yelling." Fuck, they heard us. We'll have to fight to save the little girl." The glitchy one said. They all heard this and all of them, except for you and Omnipotent, fought them. They were distracted enough so that your brother could shrink you. He used  his cables and went to a dark corner and told you something you thought would never happen again." Sis, I think that I should eat you again. It's just to keep you safe 'til we can drive them away from us." He said." Whatever you need to keep me safe, brother." You said with an ' I understand' face. He smiled a small smile and nodded. He opened his mouth and tossed you in before he shut his mouth behind you. He tilted his head back slightly and swallowed you, sending you to his stomach. You reached his stomach and decided to go back to sleep.

While you slept, he fought with his gang against the original multiverse. Their gang, Error 404; Sona; Fatal Error and Omnipotent, won the battle. The other gang went home, defeated. They all knew where Omnipotent hid you and they all went to sleep.


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