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This sans is from Internettale. Let me know if you want a book about this au in the comments! And yes, he is canonly a lamia while Internet and the Papyrus are normal skeletons. Enjoy!

The sky always showed its true colors,giving off warmth and coldness.

Y/n watched the night sky with longing, orbs glossy with tears.

" Why?"

Tears streamed down his cheeks like a waterfall.

" Why does he hate me?"

He buried his face in his arms, shoulders jerking as he sobbed.

" Because you harmed someone."

He quickly turned around, locking eyes with none other than Wi-Fi himself, his snake half being a beautiful blue and green color.

" But I didn't, my SOUL would break into millions of pieces if I laid a finger on someone with ill intent."
" Don't try to lie. Internet and I saw you harm someone. A little girl to be exact."

Why would he think such a thing when he was with Frisk all day?

" If you believe what you saw, I won't try to change your view."

He turned to watch the night sky once more, eyes narrowed as if he was glaring at the sky.

" After all,"

He began, finding his lap interesting.

" I have no reason to try and let you believe me. Not anymore, atleast."

He took a glance behind him, only to see the skeleton gone, nowhere to be seen.

" Heh,"

He chuckled sadly, the back of his hand covering his mouth.

" I guess he truly sees me as the villian of this story."


" Frisk?"
" Yes, Wi-Fi?"
" Where were you yesterday?"

Frisk gave him a suspicious look, something not feeling right in her SOUL about the sudden question.

" I was with Y/n and Milkshake, why?"
" Was just curious."

She shrugged it off, going back to petting the white cat, known as Milkshake after Wi-Fi teleported away.


" It's all my fault! I should just go die!"

Y/n wasn't doing so great, being back in his house where he started saying negative things.

" Y/n? Darling? Are you okay?"

The doctor, his father, asked from outside his room.

" Yes! Just trying to figure out who the murderer is in this movie!"

He loved crime movies after all. His father always believed him, no matter how suicidal he was.

" Alrigh! Just... let me know if you need something!"
" I will!"

He heard his father walk away from his door, going back to rocking back and forth like a psychopath.

" You should really stop lying."

He flinched, eyes wide and snapped his gaze at Wi-Fi, standing there in all his glory.

" Came to tell me how much of an asshole I am."

Y/n's eyes were duller than usual, the bright (f/c) orbs now a faded color.

" W-"
" Go ahead. I don't care anymore."


He stared at Y/n with wide sockets when their SOUL started to turn grey.

" Actually,"

He slithered closer, massive body towering over him.

" I had a different idea."

If he could store him in one of his three chambers, he could let him rest for five days maximum.

Y/n gave him a blank look, dark eyebags evident under his eyes.

He coiled his massive tail around him, green eyelights displaying multiple colors to hypnotize Y/n.

" Look at me and tell me what you see~"

He purred, seeing his hypnosis working as Y/n relaxed, orbs reflecting the colors of his hypnosis.

" I see stars and beautiful colors."

It was off to a good start.

" What else~?"
" I see-"

His hypnosis fully took over his body, allowing him to tell Y/n what to do with him not going to remember what happened.

" Close your eyes and rest~"

He purred out, tongue flicking out to taste his skin.

He saw him close his eyes, body slumped against his coils. He chuckled half-heartedly before bringing his skull close Y/n's face.

" Hope your parents don't mind me having you for myself for a bit."

He slowly opened his jaws, engulfing his head, unhinging his jaws when he was about to swallow his prey.

He maneuvered his way to Y/n's torso before swallowing again, bringing his legs into his jaws.

He could feel Y/n's head enter his first stomach in his skeletal half. Not the correct stomach he wanted him to be.

He opened the valve to his second stomach, allowing Y/n's head to enter the second chamber when he swallowed him again.

Wi-Fi swallowed again, the last swallow to pull the last parts of Y/n into his throat.

He swallowed again, feeling Y/n's entire body slowly fill his second stomach.

On the positive side, he can produce the necessary nutrients Y/n needs as a human, as well as keep him hydrated. On the negativity side, He will have to hide from Y/n's parents and the others- except Internet and Frisk.

He placed his hand on his tail near his abdomen where Y/n rested within one of his 3 chambers.

" See you in five days, Y/n."

And teleported to his secret hideout, located between bushes and twigs, waiting for the days to fly by and release Y/n from his slumber.

The End

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