Gift for Idkamhelp

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This is a gift for Idkamhelp! I will explain why I didn't want to do Classic, Nightmare and Strawberry! Nightmare: I don't have the motivation to write them again and it wouldn't fit the story that I had planned.... Hope you understand. Also, I will make Lulu an adult in this story! Without further ado, let's start.


"How could they?! I thought that we were friends!" I thought, angered and betrayed by my best fri- not anymore. They betrayed me, reopening scars of the past that had healed." I finally thought that I had a new beginning! My phone rang." Oh, it's (ex- bff/n). Ugh!" I put my phone away and ignored any phone calls and notifications. I decided to go to the beach, to find peace and get rid of all the hatred that crawled in my SOUL.

I arrived at the beach, the calming waters melted all my worries away." I wish that I could go in the ocean but I can't" I said, disappointed in myself. I couldn't swim, if I tried then I will sink like rock. Suddenly, I got dragged by non other than my 'friends to a cliff." Looks like you need a nudge!" My eyes widened as they threw me in the roaring waters. I fell, everything seemed to be in slow motion. At last, I hit the waters, hurting my body. You know when you do a belly flop in the pool? Yeah, just 200x that amount of pain. I started to sink, desperately trying to flail my arms to help me swim. It didn't work as I started sinking, I couldn't hold my breath and started drowning. I was terrified by the next thing I saw, a giant skele-blue shark! It was as big as three school busses!

Dust pov

I swam closer to the human, eyes widened when realised who it was. It was the child from 15 years ago who saved me from a fish net when I was only a pup, drowning. I had to return the help them, I will help them! I swam around them before opening my mouth and engulfed them, I closed my jaws and swallowed them whole. I waited until they reached my stomach before going back to my adopted parents, Dream and Nightmare.

The End

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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