Lamia Cross

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In the forest, two creatures lurked. One, a human girl at around the age of 4 and the other, the most feared among all human- and monster race, a half skeleton and half snake, a lamia/naga. The young girl is Y/n L/n and the lamia is Cross. You see, your parents abandoned you when you were a week old and Nightmare found you. He had a soft spot for kids. He took you in like his other members. When Horror, Killer and Dust saw you on day one, they tried killing you but Nightmare was there to save you. He introduced his gang. Let me tell you that when Cross saw you, you were being spoiled by him. You got cuddles, play time and bonding. Enough talking of when they found you and go back to what you two were currently doing. You two were near the cave, right outside of it, actually. You were playing with Cross' tail while he closed his eyes, basking in the sun.

Oh, how I wished that he kept his gaurd up.

You got tired and went to Cross' jacket, cuddling against it before falling asleep, unaware of two figures waiting to just get rid of the life that they abandoned so long ago, thinking that the life they gave, died. Cross was a light sleeper, he went to sleep. It wasn't even a second later that he heard you screaming. He immediately went to overprotective-brother-mode before he went through the forest, a shadow covering his face while he had a very creepy grin plastered on his face. After two minutes, he found you about to get stabbed by your 'parents'. He took action and hissed at them, slowly slithering close to you. You were in so much fear that you didn't notice Cross teleporting the now dead people back to base. You got out of your shocked state before running into his open arms. He teleported to his room, putting you on his spare hoodie. He went out of the room and reported what and why there were two bodies infront of them. After that, he got back and held you infront of his face. You weren't scared as the nights always got cold and he had to warm you up someway. He opened his mouth, all you could see was the purple lit maw and saliva. Without warning, he shoved you into his wet cavern. He made quick work as it started to get cold. After you were in his storage stomach, you both went to sleep.

The End

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