Giant! Unlust part two

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Requested by UndertaleAUS101. Hope you enjoy

Unlust held your sleeping figure close to his chest, glad you finally got some sleep. You see, Yan thought that it would be a good idea to give you monster candy and you got a sugar rush, having lasted for 14 hours." Are they finally asleep?" Ink asked, his emotionless gaze staring at your small form." Yes, they are. Next time, I'm gonna let Shattered babysit them." Goodness, you were too much for him to handle but Shattered didn't see the problem and just took you in, literally. He just swallows you before going back to work, letting you punch his stomach walls before sleeping in there." I agree, Yan is banned from looking after them." Shattered came into the living room and sat on the couch." Hey!" Everyone just chuckled and enjoyed the rest of the day. That is, until you got another sugar rush." Woooohooo!" Now Unlust had to babysit you, it was his turn after all." Ugh, give me two minutes." He stood up and ran after you, swallowing you after he caught you and returning to the couch." This is gonna take long, isn't it?" Everyone nodded, having to deal with a hyper child.

In the end, you never ate any monster candy. Shattered babysitting you whenever your dad was unavailable and Ink reading you bedtime stories. And Yan? He cries in a corner, Unlust resting on the couch for the first time this week.

The End

No part three! I want to do the Empireverse crew next! Bye~

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