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Requested by Haruka1C. Hope you enjoy!

Warning: Reader getting harmed while being vored, angst and attempted suicide. Don't worry! There WILL be fluff at the end! AND I changed it a bit.

Y/n L/n, a gorgeous male that was the partner of Error404. Yup, heard that right, he was the partner of Error404. You see, he has lost his au on the same day as 404 and was considered as part of the Godverse/Alphaverse Multiverse. Though, he was... the type to get under your skin... He was currently getting under 404's skin.

" What happened to your au? Why did Infected kill Alpha? Why was it his fault? Oh, don't answer: maybe because it was FATE'S fault!" 404 was starting to get agrivated. He was able to stand your words but, he couldn't anymore. You struck his last nerve." STOP IT! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW PAINFUL IT IS TO BRING UP SOMEONE'S PAST THAT WAS HORRIBLE! YOU KNOW WHAT?! I WISH THAT WE NEVER MET!" He looked at you with tears in his sockets, only to realize what he said." Wait- I didn't-"" You... wish that we never... met?" Tears formed in your eyes." Hahaha... ha..." You laughed, though it was forced." Maybe your right... maybe we should have never met..."" Y/n-" It was too late as you teleported away, leaving him all alone in the Mainframe." Tch, why do I care anyways? He'll come around." He continued with making his plans. He brought Error to teach him a lesson and even went as far as creating two glitches with his codes in the form of two baby skeletons. He would raise them like y- he panicked. You didn't return in... he opened a screen to see that it has been 2 hours since you left." He should've been back by now..."" 404! It's Y/n!" His sockets widened when he saw Error motioning for him to hurry.


You smiled as you watched Gastale! Sans and Frisk have a great time with each other. A tear slipped down your cheek at the memory from before." Y/N!" You looked behind you to see 404 and Error with worry in their sockets. You stood up quickly as you backed away, nearing the cliff." Y/N! DONT DO IT!"" Pls don't do it, Y/n!" You felt the edge of the cliff and looked down. The fall looked enticing and it only gave you more of a suicide boost." Why?" You asked as you turned your gaze to look at both skeletons. They had no words to say as you fell backwards, falling down. You closed your eyes and smiled.

" We can be a family!"

Your eyes screwed tighter as memories flashed.

" I promise to help you!"

Tears formed and floated above you as you fell.

" I love you, my glitch."

You opened your eyes as you realized that you didn't want to die just yet. You screamed, causing Gastale! Sans and Frisk and everyone to look and gasp. " WAIT- 404!" A shadow loomed over you, causing you to look and see a phoenix with claws stretched out to catch you. You saw its eyes, the same eyes that showed love and affection." William?..." You breathed out before closing your eyes. You expected to touch the ground, though, you felt claws grab you and the wind blowing against your face.

You opened your eyes to see that: He caught you. He actually caught you. He flapped his feathery wings to stay in the air. Looking down, you saw Error and the Gastale gang watching with wide eyes. Though, Error seemed relieved." Never do that again." The phoenix spoke." I thought-"" I didn't mean it. I was angry and lashed out without thinking. I'm sorry." He gently placed you down on solid ground before landing himself." So, this is what you've been hiding....?" He nodded his bird head." Yes."" And you didn't think of telling me?"" Sounds about right, though, I am mad about you trying to kill yourself." You ignored his comment, however, and asked," Do all Error aus have phoenix form?" to which he nodded." Yes, though, no one- except the Ink aus- knows about this." He looked at you with an emotion you couldn't put your finger on." And us phoenix's have a special sack to carry our young." You had a bad feeling about what was going to happen." And... where is that 'special' sack?" You took a step back when he looked at you." William?" You nervously asked." I'll show you." His answer was emotionless before his beak opened and engulfed your entire frame in one swoop. He wasn't gentle when grabbed you, he roughly got your frame in his beak. It caused injuries which began to bleed." WIL- MPH?!" His muscles began to pull you into his throat, the dark tube that would soon seal your fate. You struggled as he swallowed, the muscles around your frame pulling you deeper in the esophagus.


He felt terrible for roughly scooping his partner in his beak, causing injuries and drawing blood. He allowed his head to tilt and let his partner slip into his throat, muscles pulling him. Once his small frame entered his throat, he swallowed. His frame going down his esophagus and into the sack that held the two glitches.


You began to slip into a chamber with two glitches. You knew that Error404 created them with his code, but why did he swallow them?! Your frame fully entered before you realized just how small you were compared to the chamber. Heck, the two glitches were as big as your thighs." Now, enjoy your stay with OUR son and daughter." His voice vibrated around you. It sounded close, yet, far at the same time and it was muffled." Willia-!"" Nope, your staying in there. I don't trust you after that little stunt you tried earlier." Everything was going to be okay.... right? Deciding to let your eyes rest, you sighed before letting sleep welcome you with open arms.


Error404 sighed before he opened a portal to the Mainframe where a nest was. He crafted it with his strings as it could be soft if he wanted it to be soft. He entered the portal before closing it and sat in the nest. He decided to use his softer strings as he didn't want Y/n to get harmed if he decided to rest with their kids.


The End

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