Shattered Dream (2)

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You woke up to see that you were still in his stomach. How long have you been out? Minutes? Hours? You didn't know nor did you care, all you cared about was being let out of the comfy insides of this monster." I feel you moving... Are you awake?" That deep voice asked." Y-yes, I am awake. Can you let me out? Please?" You asked in a very high-pitched voice. It sounded like a baby cat. He had a nose bleed and a very dark, golden blush." Y-yes, I will let y-you out in a sec." He stuttered a bit but stopped before standing up. He closed his eye and focused on his magic letting you out. He got you out and held you firmly in his hand." Thank you!" You said in that cute voice again.

You lived with the fallen stars for five years now. They felt- except Ink- like exploding the moment they heard your cute voice.

The End

Sorry that this was short, I didn't know what to write... Hope you enjoyed. Bye~

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