Gift for UndertaleAUS101

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Requested by no one! Hope you enjoy this UndertaleAUS101! Hope you don't mind if I gave your character a name! If male then you can change the name given!

Alexa( sorry if this is your real name!) walked around the village, their (h/c) hair swayed in the gentle breeze as they were heading to a specific house. The house belonging to an elderly woman, wise and kind but fierce if chosen to be." Ah, my favourite person in the whole village!" She spoke, voice sweet as honey but still a bit raspy from old age." Greetings, Lady Rebecca. How are you today?" Alexa asked, giving the woman a bit of food that she carried in her arms." Better now that you are here, dear." She spoke, giving a gentle smile." I hope this helps you, Lady Rebecca. This should be enough to last two weeks. I hope you get well soon! I will see you next week." Alexa said, bowing to show respect before walking." Alexa!" The woman called out, Alex stopped in her tracks." Yes Lady Rebecca?" She asked." Please be careful, there is said to be a beast near our village. Stay at your hut during the night for the beast hunts during the night sky. Those who went hunting never returned. It manipulates it's victims before devouring them, leaving no traces of them. Don't go hunting at night! Head my warning!" She warned as Alexa nodded. They walked away from the elderly woman and to their hut. If what the elderly woman said was a warning, they might as well follow the warning. What Lady Rebecca always says comes true, resulting in bad things happening to the village. They arrived at their hut, entering it before closing the door and heading to the storage room.' No food? How can that be?' They thought, knowing that they will have to go hunting or they will starve. They sighed, closing the door behind them as they got their spear; bow; arrows and dagger. They went out the hut and went to the forest to start their hunt, not realising that it was going to be dark soon.

" Shoot! I'm lost!" They exclaimed, panicking as they moved through the thick bushes. They didn't have any luck with the hunt and it was dark, fear crawling up their spine as they remembered the warning Lady Rebecca said. Shivers crawled up their spine as the felt like they were being watched. They looked left and right, not finding anything that watched them. A twig snapped, causing them to frantically look around the open. The eerie atmosphere made them anxious with every turn they did, hearing low growls. Their mind went to one thing: The Beast." Who's there?! Show yourself! I'm not scared of you!" They lied, they were scared. The creature obeyed and made itself seen. A rainbow dragon came out of the shadows, its pupils changing everytime it blinked. They knew that the creature could harm them if it wanted to but... it didn't, seeming more interested in them than doing any harm to them. Alexa suddenly started to shiver as a cold wind blew, the creature took note of the shivering human. It knew that the human was lost, scared, hungry, thirsty, cold and exhausted. It knew where they lived because, it followed them from the village that it raided sheep and cows from. It opened its mouth and engulfed Alexa's upper body, causing them to struggle from the jaws of the dragon. Muffled pleads for their life was heard as they started thinking of the warning Lady Rebecca told them. Was this the beast? The one that manipulates it's victims before devouring them? Will they ever see Lady Rebecca again? Is this their end? But the more they thought about it, the more they realised that the creature didn't manipulate them in any way. Why? Did it want them to suffer? No, it would of killed them already. Now that they focused more on reality, it didn't seem that the creature harmed them. It seemed to take it slow and steady, being careful with them in its jaws as it gently gulped them down its throat. The dragon suddenly lifted its head to let gravity help it with getting Alexa in its throat. They struggled, not wanting to die but, the creature didn't mind. All it wanted to do was keep the human warm, safe and protected from other creatures that wanted to harm the poor soul. After Alexa was in its throat, it gulped them down, sending them to its stomach while they struggled for their life. Alexa arrived in the stomach, noticing that there was no acid or anything; just saliva. A loud and gentle voice spoke, vibrating the insides of the creature which indicated that it spoke." Are you alright, human? Did I hurt you? Did I scare you?" It asked, making Alexa panic but they were too exhausted to fight back. They just moved in response, earning a relieved sigh from the dragon." Get comfortable, human. This will be a long night before I send you back to your village." It said." Ah, how rude of me. I'm Ink and you are?" It asked." I'm Alexa." They mumbled, darkness consuming them as their eyes closed. The last thing they heard was," What a beautiful name!" and the sound of wings flapping before everything went silent.

Turns out that the dragon's name was Ink. He kept them warm, safe and protected from other creatures that night in his storage stomach.

The End

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